Day 23: The Walking Dead

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Many humans that you see are dead. They walk this earth going through the motions of life, but their spirit is far from alive. Sadly, there are Christians like this too. They claim to have a relationship with God, but their actions and emotions say otherwise. Many are powerless, hopeless, and depressed every day. I like to call these people the walking dead. They are clearly living as they walk this earth and perform daily acts of life, but they are dead in the spirit. They lack the spark of life that can only be found through God. They are just like zombies, only striving to achieving the necessities to live. Don't be like these. Living like the dead means certain death. Instead, run from these zombies like they might actually eat you. They only bring you down. Look for God's light so that you can walk alive in Christ. This will ensure that you can have a joyful, peaceful, and loving life. Life is a gift. You have no reason to treat it like death. As cool as The Walking Dead is, their world is cruel. Let's get as far away from that reality as possible. Be running alive!


Daily Devotional: Closer to God Every DayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang