Day 32: Keep Your Focus

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Wow. Things are actually going better. I have more joy, there is less stress, and things are actually going right in the moment. I have a sad feeling this will not last long...

Do you ever feel this way? During every hurricane, the eye will eventually pass. It's that moment where everything just seems to fit into place for a couple days, weeks, maybe even months. I am currently in this. After coming out of a lot of stressful days, it is nice to actually experience joy again. Sadly, I feel like it is constantly being pulled away from me. Amongst this, I have also noticed something else. With life running smoothly again, I have been pulled apart from God has well. Why? Because my life is actually functioning without Him. When things feel right, I don't feel like I need to grab that Bible before bed and cling to His message as I let my thoughts turn into dreams. I know that the moment the storm comes back, I will cling to God just as hard as I have in the past. For now, I need to learn to be just as close to God in the good times. That is the time I praise! If you feel yourself wandering down this path, grab your Bible. Being refreshed on how wonderful it is to talk with God is great. When you start to praise God during the good and bad times of life, you begin to have everlasting joy. This joy will pull you through all of lifes trials. Don't spare it for good times because you know you need it most during the bad! God promises that His Word is powerful. From 2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." My friend, I want these things, so I shall continue to spend time with Him! God can't wait to hear from us. 


Daily Devotional: Closer to God Every DayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora