Day 16: Pray: Anywhere, Anytime

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Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. - Ephesians 6:18

This important verse lets us know that we can pray anywhere at any time about anything and that we should be watchful to do so. If we believe and practice this scripture, it can be life-changing and certainly prayer-changing. All of us either fit into three categories: we never pray, we feel that prayer needs to be saved for private times, or we pray absolutely everywhere. Me? I pray everywhere I go. Think about your own style of praying? I cannot tell a lie, I don't pray near as much as I should. I do, however, take any opportunity to slip a message to God. If you thought your prayer setting were informal, take a look at mine. I pray: while falling asleep, taking a bath, during a test, while playing a sport, during a debate round, and even while using the restroom. I pray with my eyes wide open, sealed shut, and halfway closed. It isn't how you pray that pleases God, it's remembering to have a conversation with Him. God wants us to "pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season)". I believe this includes the awkward places. So, fit it in anywhere. Pray: anywhere, anytime.


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