Day 14: Military or Model?

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What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you really have a solid idea of how you want to serve God for the rest of your life? Some of you can answer this question in a heart beat. You have known since you were young. Others have had ideas sparked from books or TV shows. The remainder of you have been startingly slapped in the face with the reality that well, you really aren't sure yourself. If this is you, take a breath. I understand what you are feeling. Growing up, I have always had some sort of idea regarding future careers. The problem is, my ideas change. One moment, I want to be a lawyer. The next moment a vet. One day I start researching the Marines, then I log onto the Orthopedic Surgeons website. Last, I throw myself into Missionary trips while keeping my tab open for modeling careers. Here's the thing: only one of these careers is my destiny. Wait, maybe none of these careers are. Let's take a moment and ponder over how drastically different my desires are. Some sound like Katelyn Kubosh, but others are unidentifiable. This is when the great word, trust comes in. With so many doors open around me, it is hard to know which one I should take. In fact, it almost feels impossible. I can't make this decision without the guidance of God. And honestly, neither can you. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:33-34. This verse is great. Constantly we stress because we look towards the future. God reminds us to only focus on today because we all know, it has enough problems of its own. Next time your mind starts racing about college applications and future careers, take a step back and know that God has it all under control. His plan is beautiful. -Katelyn 

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