Day 30: I'm A Single Pringle

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Yes. It is true. I am single. Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. In fact, it doesn't bother me that much. In honesty, I have never had a boyfriend. This is a strange thing in today's society. I am a teenager who has never kissed, made out, or heaven forbid had sex with a guy. Everywhere I look I see girls draped over guys. I see them holding their hands, clutching their arms, and laughing at their jokes that are probably rather lame. Sometimes, it kind of hurts. Am I not capable of being liked? Is it my looks or my personality? Am I too socially awkward to be noticed? I do ponder over all of these things. Because I have never had real experiences with a guy, I have no idea how I could manage an entire date alone with one. Truthfully, the thought kind of scares me. The wondering doesn't stop there. I have had some bad luck with marriages in my family's past. My girl cousins didn't get married till 30, my Uncle didn't get married till 40, many of my cousins (30+) have not married yet, two uncles have been divorced, two aunts, and one cousin who has been divorced three times. I bet that hurt your head. Sorry. So long story short, I have been wondering if I ever would get married. Am I not good enough like the rest of my family? Then I stop myself. That is the devil whispering lies into my ear. He tells me I am too picky. I want a family oriented guy who is driven, loving, and drawn in by a Godly heart. Oh yeah, and he needs to be cute. I pray about this often, so I have complete confidence that he is out there! Until then, why should I worry about what is happening now? I am a person who is very focused on school work, so I don't have time for it anyway. God is sculpting my man now. Who cares if he isn't here now? I don't want to pray that God gives me a boyfriend just because I don't have one! That would mean I want God to change His plan to fit my own! That is a request asking for absolute disaster.

Need help with praying for your future mate? I gotcha galls.

Keep your head up. Be a strong woman who rejoices that she has the opportunity to be single! That woman can sculpt her heart in preparation for her man! I will be working with you.


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