Day 51: God's Will (2)

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Lately, I have really struggled with what God's Will for my life is. On June 18 of this year, I had surgery on my ACL and meniscus. Considering I am very into sports, an accident like that was very difficult for me to deal with. I started to notice, however, that it brought out a lot of good. With so many activities on my plate feeding to my stress load, my injury forced me to slow down... particularly with my extra curriculars. As time has passed and my healing continues, I have been thinking about what sports I want to continue. Many people have created a reputation for me - expecting me to do one thing. I want to make decisions for myself, but I feel pressured to travel so many paths that I wan't no business being involved in! I have prayed constantly for God to take me on the path He wants me on. I want Him to show me the paths of life I need to take and block off any that lead me astray. I have prayed this prayer more times than I can count, and I will continue to until the day I die. I want God's will in my life to be done, even if that means others aren't pleased with my decisions. I do, after all, want to enjoy the life I live. I have also come to another revelation. God's Will for our lives may not be exactly what we have invisioned. It doesn't matter if you're reading this at age 10, 40, 80, or any place in between. God has a will for your life that will not be completed until the day you die. Now here comes the question: are you willing to work for God to compete His will in your life? That is something only you can answer. WARNING: Performing God's will is not guaranteed to be easly! He may take you on painful paths to reach glory. But he does promise one thing: doing His will is the most rewarding of all. Pray today that God leads you on the right paths of life. There is no doubt that He will take the lead and let you follow.

1 Peter 3:17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil.

1 Peter 4:19 Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.


Daily Devotional: Closer to God Every DayOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant