Day 53: A Little Bit Longer

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"A little bit longer and i'll be fine."

We, as humans, have a natural problem. We start things without finishing them. We get a random spur of inspiration to try something new and exciting. In many cases, you start off pursuing your interest head first. You start off working to make this dream a reality. This is something YOU want and nothing is going to stop you from reaching that goal. Then, Satan slaps you in the face and begins to change your views. You realize that although the start was pleasant, reaching your goal requires much more work to actually cross the finish line. How sad this is! God has given every person on this earth a very special gift to persue, execute, and live out for Him. When we give up becaue it seems "too hard", we miss out on the opportunity to live out an incredible life. If it is something God has planned for you, heck, it is going to be mind blowingly beautiful. In Hebrews, we are constantly reminded of how essential it is that we continue to fight the good fight. We need to work a little bit longer to finish what we started. We need to resist the temptation to give up. Depending on what you're pursuing, this could mean different things. If you know, deep down, that it will benefit you for your future, you need to press on. It is comforting to know that as you continue to work, it continues to prepare your future for success. It all boils down to what we truly want. A little pain now with a lifetime of benefits, or less pain now and a lifetime of regret? It's your choice. I know that I am doing things right now that hurt. Honestly, they depress me. Why do I continue them? I know they will bring me success later and that although I hate them now, I will never regret them. Our God is great and wants you to be great as well! He knows you are not perfect, but you can still achieve excellent things! Just don't give up!

Deuteronomy 31:6, Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. 

Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 


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