Day 45: Dream BIG Dreams

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The following passage is not my own. It was written by Joyce Meyer in her book, "New Day, New You". I read it and loved it, so I will share it with you.

As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as [benefits] good trustees of God's many-sided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by umerited favor]. - 1 Peter 4:10

The undeveloped, wasted potentioal in this world is pathetic. Everyone was created to do something great--great in their own realm. Each of us has the potential to become great at something - a great wife, a great mom, a great seamstress, a great husband, a great father, a great businessman. But whatever we do, we should not have little ideas, dreams, or visions. Little things are important, and we should never despise the day of small things. But we out to have big ideas, dreams, and visions because we serve a big God.

I would rather have a big dream and see half of it come to pass than to have a little dream and see all of it come to pass. I believe that when God created all of us, He formed and fashioned each person, breathed the breath of life into us and then took a little part of Himself and placed it within each of us. One of us may have a musical gift, another may have a speaking gift, another may have a gift of writing. The problem comes when we try to take the gift God has given us and use it to do what someone else is doin instaed of developing our own potential. We have a part of God in us. We are not a mistake. We don't have to spend our lives on the back burner.

We are not too old or too young. We have God-given dreams and visions. But the dreams and visions God gives us for the futurea are posibilities not  "positivelies." (That's the way God spoke to me a long time ago.) With Him, nothing is impossible; but it also takes our cooperation and willingness through determination, obedience, and hard work to develop what He has put in us. 

I hope you found this inspiring just like I did. I will dream big because I have a big God. You should too! 

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