Day 29: True Beauty

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Have you ever looked in the mirror and though, "Dang. I look bad." I have. I am not saying that I am ugly. I do not write this in hopes that you will pity me! I write it to show everyone that the devil makes his rounds. He hits people where it hurts most: the looks department. Now, if you're anything like me, you compare yourself to others. I hate it, but I do it! These thoughts, however, didn't start suddenly. They were gradual. In sixth grade, I really felt it. I was overweight, had acne, transition glasses and wore crocs to school. Ouch. I would pray to God that He would make me pretty. It saddens me to think of the self conscious past I have been faced with. To my utmost joy, I did lose weight. In fact, I actually became rather thing until my ninth grade year. What made me gain fifteen pounds in one school year? Stress. Suddenly, my acne flared to an insane rate. My glasses were gone, but contacts did not make me feel any prettier. I never wear makeup because I would rather have sleep, so I guess I was asking for that one. I would look at my face and think, "Why am I not as pretty as those girls?" I tortured myself. My theory was that if I became used to seeing myself with a bare face, I could feel more beautiful when I put makeup on. Considering I never put it on, that theory was nearly obliterated. Because of my added weight, I began wearing baggy clothes, scoffing at those who tried to look more "feminine". I was a wreck. I still struggle with self image, but it has gotten better. I would look at famous girls who were deemed to be beautiful and compare them to myself. I would see who that one hot, famous guy was dating and see if I looked anything like them. Usually, I didn't. Now, God has been transforming me. I see beauty in a completely different way. I stand strong and confident in my own beauty because I would never trade who I am for anyone else. Why? Because I am overwhelmingly in love with the beautiful heart God has shaped within me. I have worked very hard to grow in my relationship with God, so I would never want to be someone else. I would never trade a beautiful heart for a beautiful face. Take that society!

What is a beautiful woman? I have your answer: Proverbs 31.

Here's a preview: "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue...Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:26-27, 30

You are beautiful. All of you. With love, Katelyn.

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