Day 13: Adios, Cancer!

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I learned of the most exciting news Friday night. My Papa is now cancer free. This is such an incredible answer to prayers considering the rough path he has taken to get here. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with cancer for the first time. It was in his colon. He battled chemo treatments that brought along many awful sideffects. Within the next year, he was diagnosed as cancer free. Immediately, we went out to celebrate at Benihana. About six months later, he went in for a follow up. The cancer was back. This time, however, it was in his lungs. Even more devestating, it was aggressive. Doctors said the chances were low that his body would be able to rid itself of the poison. He ended up losing his hair, a ton of weight, and way too much hope. That is when God sent me a message while spending the night of his house. In my dream, I was in their guest room. I had family talking with me around the beds when instantly everyone disappeared. Suddenly, I was lifted off the ground, levetating in the center of the room. My body was in the formation of a cross. That's when Jesus stopped my breathing. I was at an extreme loss of breath. As hard as I tried, I could not free myself to grab fresh air. At that moment, I was almost positive I would die in this dream. That is when I heard His voice. He said, "Trust me." I didn't. I kept struggling. He said it again. I tried this time to breath, but it was still very difficult. "Trust me!" He yelled. This time, I listend. My breathing slowly came back as I gasped for breath. I had trusted God, so he helped me through the struggle. That morning, I ran to tell my story to my Papa. This past Friday, when He told me of God's miraculous healing, he mentioned that he had never forgotten my dream. We needed to trust God. He showed us extreme suffering in order to show us extreme joy. Now that my Papa is healed, I feel I am one huge leap closer to having that. God is good. God is so, so good. Praise His holy name.  -Katleyn 

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