Day 48: Faithful to the Finish

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Through all the pains, sufferings, joys, and praises of life, I wonder why so many emotions can course through my body at once. God has challenged me in many ways lately. I am part of a debate team, and although I enjoy the activity, I also dread it. I am a natural speaker, but I have also been recently plauged with nerves. Debate is a weekend activity. It starts Friday afternoon. We get home at midnight on Friday, wake up at 6am on Saturday, and debate until 8pm Saturday night. It is a very beneficial activity, but it also really challenges me mentally. There is stress numero uno. I am sure you can think of an activity right now that challenges you mentally. Maybe its college, that AP class, or your job. Along with this stress, I have been worried about my grades as I enter one of the hardest years of schooling I have ever experienced. I want A's. Short and simple. I also, however, want to be in prestigious classes. Now, I have to work harder each year to acheive my same goals, and boy is it hard! Luckily, God showed me this morning exactly what I needed to hear. God challenges us in difficult ways to test our faithfulness. Here's how it normally goes. When pains ease up, our faith in Him takes a step back. We don't really need to cling to our Bible after a rough day. Then, one day we pray a gutsy prayer. We say, "God, I pray that my relationship with you strengthens." What a bold prayer because God will answer it. The only problem is that it may not be in the way you were expecting. He puts trials in your life to bring your focus back to Him. Speaking for myself, I am much closer to God when I know I can't make it through the day without Him! When life gets rocky, our faith trembles. I read today that God puts us in these situations to test how strong our faith is in Him. This means that you need to remain as strong and hopeful as possible in the midst of a storm. The more positive you are during challenges, the more God's work will be revealed in your life! Keep fighting!

James 1:12, "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."

 1 Peter 5:10, "And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."


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