Day 7: Trust God

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Man. I am so stressed. Sometimes my brain is filled with so many activities I have to perform with so much preparation I have to do for it (AKA 5 major tests this week), that I literally begin to feel that someone is pounding at my brain. I am sleep deprived, tired, and in need to a day to compose myself and read a book. That week is coming. Next week, I get Thanksgiving break. Thank you God.

Until then, I have to trust God. Especially in my Chemistry class. Boy, that is hard. I have studied so hard, yet it all still sounds like a jumble. I am stressed because my grades have lowered, and it isn't like I haven't been studying because I have been! Then I look back on things. God has always come back and helped me even when I thought it was impossible. If He has showed me how much trusting Him is worth my time, why do I still doubt He will come through? Can you think of times you have been like this? If so, rethink how you are feeling now. I am trying to do that. With prayer for God to give you strength and wisdom, along with major trust in God, He will come through in the end. Keep on pushing my dear friends. Thanksgiving break is near. - Katelyn

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