Day 9: Clique

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"Clique, clique, clique, clique, clique. Ain't nobody messin' with my mu-mu clique."

 Does this sound familiar? This catchy rap song by Kanye West is incredibly popular. It describes all the things that, er, friends do... in a clique. If you do know the lyrics, they aren't exactly wholesome, nor are the the way God desires us to live our lives. In fact, when I hear the song, I can't help but wonder, What type of a friendship is this? Clearly it isn't pleasing to God. Yeah, no. It isn't. 1 Corinthians 15:33 states, "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company ruins good morals.'" Ouch. Sorry Kanye. I think that this "clique" you are surrounding yourself with is really bringing your morals down. I don't think God wants us to "tell a bad b***** do whateva' I say". My biggest request is that you choose your friends very wisely. It can be hard to take an action when you know you do have bad friends, but that's when you pray about it and leave it in God's hands. Bad friends will destroy your morals. I know a person could say, "But I can change them for the good!" This may be true, but majority of the time, a mass of evil can easily overpower a single light that isn't shining completely for God. Because witout a flame completely shining for God, he would ditch those friends. So, ditch that clique and find some real friends. -Katelyn

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