Day 36: Peace, Man

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But when they deliver you up, do not be anxious about how or what you are to speak; for what you are to say will be given you in that very hour and moment, for it is not you who are speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. - Matthew 10:19-10

Isn't this verse comforting? As you know, I am a very anxious person. This is suprising because I actually consider myself to be pretty comfortable in front of others. Because I am on a debate team, presenting my information is what I do every day. Yet, for some reason, delivering real life information to people I don't know can often times give me unrest. It can be difficult to identify exactly what I am feeling in those situations, but it is usually a mix of eagerness to get the task over with, excitement to share the information I have, and dread that I had to do it in the first place. If you ever feel like this when it comes to anything public, the Bible tells us not be anxious! God will tell us exactly what we need to say. Whethere you have to present a presentation infront of the class, or be interviewed for a job, you know the feeling of nervousness. It is a universal feeling. The funny thing is that if you told the people/person you were talking to that you were nervous, they would probably say, "What? Why? You have no reason to be!" The best part is that they would be right! All those built up nerves are there because the devil wants you to feel anxious. Don't let him win. When I get in these moods, I immediately pray that God will speak through me. When God makes His words our words, there is no way you could say the wrong thing. After that prayer, leave the rest to Him. With confidence in this, we can speak straight from God's script for our life! So muster up that strength and just have peace, man. 


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