Day 19: Thank you, Jesus

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Thank you, Jesus
Gracias, Jesús
شكرا لك، يسوع
Děkuji, Ježíši

It doesn't matter how you say it, God just wants to hear it! Think about how often you neglect to stop amidst life's busy schedule and just thank Jesus. We spend much more time asking for this and that, and not enough time just stopping and saying, "God, thank you for everything you have given me in this life. Also, thank you for this situation. I know that You will use this for Your plan. I trust you." Not your style? Blast some Christian music from Pandora and dance around with your hands in the air praising your Lord! In fact, do it tonight. It doesn't have to be slow and heart moving. It could be rock and rap. Just get in your room and let God know how much you love Him. It means the world to Him. No, it means absolutely everything to Him. Thank you, Jesus. You have done incredible things in my life.


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