Day 20: Stop Complaining!

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Seriously? All that homework, again? 

Ugh. Do we really have to do that this weekend? That isn't even relaxing!

Why do we have to eat there? I'm not even in the mood for that!

Do these complaints sound familiar? They probably do. You know why? It's because you make those exact complaints all the time. They may not be in that exact context, but they are usually very similar. I make these complaints all the time. For some reason, I have a big tendency to complain. It is my human nature to say what is going wrong in my life. Even when something good is coming up, I pick out the bad thing and stress it. Well, guess what? This is a sin. Every time a complaint comes out of your mouth, it creates a bridge for the devil to crawl into your brain and torture you about it. Also, it creates distress for those listening to your complaining. I had never really thought about this before. I sin every day in that case! Tip: next time the itch to complain comes up, shut your mouth and move on. I know it isn't easy, but down the road: it might. The more you do it, the easier it will get. Just stop complaining!


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