Day 6: Warning: Emotions are evident

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First of all, I realize how frequently I discuss my stress level. That is because it is something I struggle dealing with - a lot. If you don't, I am honestly very happy for you. I, however, am still working through it with God.

Today my day was going pretty well. I felt pretty confident about an Algebra test I had taken. That's when Chemistry came at the end of the day. I took a quiz, and my teacher slapped a going 30 on my desk near the end of the period. At that moment, my heart sank. I have come to expect grades like this in such a difficult class, but I still hate the sight of it. I had been under so much previously and was looking forward to even more that I instantly became an emotional wreck. I wanted to cry. I became silent, my face resembled that of a stone, and I appeared to be mute to the untrained eye. If anyone gave me crap, I would have practically shot them. I was not in the mood for anything. I really need to learn how to deal with this. That is why I seek God. In fact, i'm about to open His Word up right now. The more I have seeked Him, the more He has helped me fix my emotions. For the most part, I am much better. Now, I must master days as such because I know that they will happen - whether I like them or not. -Katelyn

Daily Devotional: Closer to God Every DayМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя