Chapter Nineteen: It's the truth.

Start from the beginning

“Lauren, you got to stop lying.” He said sitting on the chair next to me, he sounded calm but I knew it was just a cover of him being scared of me.                                                                                                                                                                                             

“I didn’t lie, all I know is that my fucking so called uncle raped me and no-one did shit about it, so if you don’t mind I want to fucking leave here already,” I shouted at him as he claimed to know everything about me.                         

“When was this?” He asked sounding a little shocked.

I got off the chair and stood up in front of him intimidating.                                                                                                                        

“Why do you give a shit now?” I asked sternly putting my hands of my waist.                                                                                     

“Cause if I knew about this before I wouldn’t have just shock it off,” He said grabbing one of my hands and was about to kiss it but I pulled it away.                                                                                                                                                         

“What is your problem,” I muttered flinching away from his touch.

He didn’t answer me, he just stood up and walked over to the main lobby desk and started to write down something that I couldn’t quite read from such a distance. I walked behind him trying to look at what he had written but he scrunched it up once he saw me looking over his shoulder.                                                                                                                         

“This is none of your business,” He snapped at me before walking away.

I tried to follow him but instead he just slammed the door on my face as he entered the office where the Chief still was. I let out a huge sigh knowing that this was useless. No one was going to believe me; I doubt that anyone actually cared. I sat back down on one of the chairs and brought my knees to my chest, what did it matter anyway? It was the past right, I was never going to let anything like that happen again. I tried to shake the image of all of it out of my head as all of this was bringing the nightmares back. Skylar had been such a substitute to my pain and now I had nothing to keep all of this past out of my head. Where was he when I needed him most, why was I such a terrible person...                                                     

“I’m sorry...” I whispered to myself hopefully somehow Skylar would hear me.

[Katie’s POV]:

I stood at the side of Skylar’s bed wanting, hoping he’d wake up soon and tell me that he was alright. I couldn’t take my eyes off him knowing that if I did something surely was going to happen.                                                                                            

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