XX. Triangles & Asters

Start from the beginning

He hates Boston Cream donuts.

Laurel must've caught on to this cute exchange because as usual when he would leave abruptly after Diggle would walk in and say something along the lines of 'we have to go.' Laurel would stay knowing full well I'd be working in Olivers office.

"Laurel, I'm going to be gone for sometime, wouldn't you rather go home or something."

"No." She'd say in her annoying squeaky voice, "Violet and I get along fine, don't we?"

I wasn't paying attention, I was too busy doing actual review of rocket science for the science division.

There was an awkward silence, "right Violet?" Laurel said in that fucking annoying voice.

"What? No. No we don't."

Dig stifled a laugh, "Oliver, we really have to get going."

He looked at me with those big blue eyes, he wanted to say something, instead Diggle rushed him out apologizing to me.

I spun back around in Olivers seat which he let me sit in when I needed to work in his office, I told him it was the most fun chair ever and he insisted that I use it in my office but I couldn't bare    taking his chair away.

Laurel just sat there chewing her loud gum and texting someone who through a little digging turned out to be some guy named Tyler. Doesn't seem very loyal to me.

Everyday Oliver had been called out, it wasn't for any meetings, he'd ask me to come, it wasn't for Fucking Laurel, so were did he go off to? And why was he getting so hurt. My heart broke whenever I saw him limping or doubling over. I legit had to drive him to his house once because Diggle too was hurt bad, and couldn't drive so Lyla picked him up.

"What are you doing to bang yourself up so bad?" I asked him.

"Tennis." He said not expecting my question, it was a bad lie that made me laugh.

"Tennis? Is this gang tennis? Do you get beat up every time you miss?"

He laughed, "ill have you know, I do most of the beating up, these bruises are just collateral damage."

On a serious note, "whatever it is, be careful Oliver, seeing you like this is scaring me."

He looked away and got out of my car, "it's just tennis."

"Laurel, can you turn the volume down on that stupid song." She was playing some annoying Justin Bieber song from four years ago in 2016, that was a bad era for music.

"Can you lower the volume in your voice and add it to your hair?"

I scoffed, "you insult me because you're filled with insecurities and guilt, you think you can take it out on me cause
I intimidate you but you think because I work for Mr. Queen I won't defend myself. You eat my donuts in the morning because of think it'll mark your territory but you should know that he gets me one after work too," I smirked, "Are you gonna eat those too?"

She growled, "who the fuck do you think you are? You're just an IT girl-"

"No, I am Olivers personal data analysis and pattern recognition, I also assist in the science division, the math, the book keeping, linguistics, and I assist in making deals that keep this business afloat, I also manage him on almost everything, and I make designs with the construction team for buildings, and I'm also a genius so that's a plus."

"I'm a lawyer."

"Oh trust me, I never forget that, but you mostly handle petty theft, 8 out of 10 of your big cases were a sure thing because you had the Arrow to assist. I was hypothetically hacking in NASA before I knew how to wear lipstick and before you knew how to dress yourself properly, since we're stating our achievements."

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