The next day we were driving to the bbc studios as we would be appearing on graham Norton, me for a second time. The Chris and mackie hadn't been on the show before and we looking foreward to it because once again all of us would be there, which is great for us but I knew how much hard work we could be. Nathan had Tash again, I was still hesitant leaving her but I was getting better at it thanks to Chris. When we got there we were led to our dressing rooms where we could get ready, "you excited?" I ask when me and Chris entered our shared room "yeah pretty excited first time doing this" he smiles, "well its great because you only have to do any promoting for a short amount of time and then its just like have a chat its great" I tell him. "good because I like those types of interviews where we just get to have fun otherwise its just boring" he agrees sitting down on one of the couches "oh jelly babies" he says noticing the bowl of them. "they know you well" I laugh eating a couple "hey my jelly babies" he complains, "our dressing room" I remind him. A little while later we were dressed and just going through the lasts bits of prep such as make up and having our mics put on. I was just snacking on some biscuits when Seb and Mackie walked down the corridor towards us "hey whats up mrs America?" Mackie asks also taking a biscuit from the snack table, "nothing much, you ready for this?" I ask the two of them. "yeah looking forward to it, gonna be fun just like back on set" Seb says, "yeah lets just hope we don't get told to shut up because we're being too rowdy" I laugh. "we're ready for you if you'd like to make your way backstage" a crew members says, "cool lets go" I say, "wait where's Chris?" Seb asks. "dunno probably still getting his mic on" I say shrugging my shoulders, it had been a few minutes and we were waiting to go on and Chris still wasn't here. "I'm here I'm here sorry had to pee" he says jogging over, "you cut that very fine" I laugh since we were just about to get introduced. "please welcome to the stage Anthony Mackie, Sebastian stan, (Y/N) Evans and Chris Evans" graham says as we all walk on waving and saying hello to the crowd. "hi take a seat take a seat" graham says as we shake his hand, once the crowd had died down and we had sat down we began "so nice to see you all assembled here" graham jokes "how have you all been?" he asks. "pretty good working hard as always" Chris says, "well of course the movie looks amazing by the way, did you feel that way when you guys were filming it?" graham asks. "yeah well one of the great things with marvel is that you know you're making an amazing movie so it makes work seem like a trip away with your best friends" Seb answers, "so you guys do all really get along and its not just for show" graham asks "because that mix does seem quite rare". "yeah we get along very well, too well I mean we do make it hard for the directors" I say, "really? because you guys just mess around?" graham asks, "yeah exactly that and you feel like a kid at school when the start shouting like 'guys shut up! we need to get this done' and you just kinda sink down trying not to get told off" Chris laughs. "now of course your character in the marvel universe are now married if I'm correct" graham starts gesturing to me and chris, "but your characters haven't got anyone is there anyone in the marvel universe you guys would like to match up with?" graham asks Seb and Mackie. "black widow" they both say at the same time making the both of them turn to look at each other "I mean our character were in a relationship in the comics so" Seb says, "yeah but look at these thighs nobody gonna say no to these thighs" Mackie says, "I don't care I have the guns, and the sexy metal arm" Seb argues. "this is a constant fight that will only get resolved if one of them do end up with black widow" I laugh looking over at the two boys still fighting. "yeah and I will" Seb says looking back over at Mackie, "guys?" I ask making them both look over, "yeah?" they both say, "shut up" I tell him and luckily they both do. "is it like this on set then, do you now have this mother like role?" graham asks, "uh no not really we're all kinda like brothers and sisters messing around but I mean during this film if I asked from anything they would do it or get it" I explain, "yeah cause everyone knows don't make a pregnant woman angry, we don't want no she hulk" Mackie says. "hey I wasn't that bad, you guys were just scaredy cats" I defend, "yes and we had a reason" Seb adds, "ridiculous, get out" I laugh pointing back stage, "get out where?" Seb asks. "just out, out of this press tour" I laugh, "Chris you gonna help at all?" Mackie asks, "no I'm sticking with the mrs" Chris laughs, "chickenshit" Seb says. "I can see what you mean about how it is on set" graham laughs, "this is us dialled right down" I tell him laughing. "okay now (Y/N) and Chris you guys have known each other for a really long time nearly 20 years if I'm right" graham says, "yeah about that, think it will be 20 years in September whoa that is a long time" Chris says neither of us really realising it "and you guys have only been together for nearly 4, was there a moment in the 16 years prior where you guys almost became a thing?" graham asks. "uh probably I mean we both said we've had on and off feelings but timing was never right, that is until we started filming my stand alone" I explain glancing over at Chris, knowing there was definitely moments where we were on the verge, one in particular in my mind. "now that is cute, and its worked out perfectly for you two, recently starting a family" graham says, "yeah its great, its something I've wanted for a really long time now and I'm glad I finally get it" Chris says. "do you feel you've changed much since becoming a dad?" graham asks, "uh I don't know I guess the people to ask would be Seb and Mackie" Chris says looking over at them. "yeah you have a little bit, I mean maturity wise but to be honest if you still want to have a great night out Chris is the one to call" Seb says making Chris laugh "thanks man glad to know I still hold that title" Chris laughs.

Once we were finished with the show we said goodbye to everyone before getting into the cars that would take us back to our hotel. There were a couple of fans outside hoping for pictures, so we waved out to them as we drove away. "so how did you like that?" I ask, "really enjoyed it, just felt like a normal chat, especially with Seb and Mackie" Chris laughs, "yeah I mean I'm surprised that they didn't have to call for a break to make them calm down" I laugh "it has seriously worn me out though" I say with a yawn. "well I guess it will be straight to bed then" Chris says smiling over at me, "look at you in dad mode" I smirk. "well I'm pretty good at it" he jokes back, "you definitely are" I agree with a smile. When we got to the hotel and into our room the both of us were getting ready for bed, "hey Chris?" I ask, "yeah?" he says walking out of the bathroom with just boxers on. "you know the question graham asked about us being close to being a thing earlier, and you said there were moments, how many do you think there was?" I ask as he comes to lie down next to me. "uh there was definitely 5 that I can think of off the top of me head" he says, "really what ones, I want to know if they are the same as mine" I say. "uh well the time we were both super drunk at college and both made a move but didn't do anything, the time I was super drunk and stumbled into your room and we almost kissed but you said I had to sober up, the time you were super drunk and basically the same thing happened but in reverse, the time when there was that storm when we were 24 I think both of us got stuck in my apartment at the time and the lights were out and we had candles and it was kinda romantic as we cuddled up under blankets to keep warm but the electricity came on ruining all of it" Chris says smiling to himself as he told me the stories, he then locks his eyes onto mine reaching out to take on of my hands. "I think the closest though was back when we were camp counsellors at that acting camp, and when we weren't teaching the younger kids we were doing scenes and this one scene had a kiss in it, it was the first time we ever kissed and while I may have speaking from a script the feelings were definitely true and to me felt real" he says, I couldn't help but smile "that's exactly how I felt, I think another point would have been prom night" I say Chris raises a brow "the one where I got dumped just before?" he asks. "yeah I remember sat with you cheering you up and then us spending the entire night together, we even slow danced" I say thinking back to it, "yeah that was a really nice night and yeah it was definitely one of those moments" Chris smiles. "timing always got in the way though" I sigh wondering what it could be like if we had become an item sooner, "yeah but we never know, if we got together at any of those points we could have broken up because we were too younger and never spoke again, we needed to mature" Chris says. I nod my head in agreement "perfect timing then" I smile up at him, "perfect timing" he smiles leaning down to kiss me.

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