XI. Quivers & Allium

Start from the beginning

"Don't do that, you're going to hurt yourself."

She looked up at him with big eyes and she recognized him from earlier that night, his face was the face that caught her attention while she was going to the meeting.

He was beautiful.

She couldn't compare him to Oliver. Oliver and him were two different types of handsome. Oliver had short dirty blonde hair where as this man had curly black hair that was styled perfectly. Oliver had big blue orbs that held intensity but this mans eyes had blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean, of just calm nights. This man was tall, about the same size as Oliver but he wasn't intimidating like Oliver, he was there, and he looked protective.

He helped me up and walked me into another balcony and sat me down. I looked up at him again. "I'm having a bad night."

He chuckled. "You watched the guy you like kissing another girl, so you're getting drunk to forget him--"

"How did you--"

"I saw you guys upstairs, the look on your face said it all."

"Well it wasn't like I knew him that well, I just thought we hit it off, I felt like he kinda hinted that he liked me as well, but it only made me humiliate myself, my crush is officially gone for him."

The man smiled brightly. "No it's not."

"How do you know?"

"I am training to do data recognition and your body language is telling me otherwise."

I scoffed. "Well I'm the best at data recognition, and I'm saying otherwise."

"You're into computers?" He asked surprised.

"Into? Computers and things alike got me to where I am...well not right now, my emotions got me here right now, on this balcony, whining to a guy I don't know."

"Oh, right." He stretched out his hand to shake mine. "My name is Ray."

"Violet Carson." I shook his hand looking into his big ocean eyes. He gave me a pearly smile and said, "come, we're going to get you some coffee. You are beyond drunk."

I scoffed. "Oh really."

"Yeah, I don't know what you thought you just said but it sounded like you were speaking Klingon."

I giggled. "I love Star Trek."

"Me too." He smiled helping me towards the bar downstairs.

"Are you being nice to me to fuck me?"

Ray basically choked his tongue. "Is that what you think, I'm not that type of guy, I mean I'm not gay, and you're hot, and there's nothing wrong with being gay, im just not,but I mean I wouldn't do that, I mean you're gorgeous and all but--"

I smiled at him, is babbling reminded me of something I couldn't quite put my finger on. "I get it."

He sat me down on the bench and looked over at me. "I'll be right back, you look like a caramel ice coffee type of girl."

Whoa, was it that freaky when I did it to people?

"Yeah." I called back. While he left, images of Oliver and Laurel flooded my mind like a damaged dam. My heart tore open, I knew I had no right to be this jealous or heartbroken, he wasn't mine, he would never be mine. He was with Laurel for years! Who was I trying to fool? Laurel was perfect. Perfect hair, perfect face, perfect body.

Who was I to compare to her?

I didn't notice the tears streaming down my face until Ray returned holding a delicious looking cup of coffee and a water for himself.

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