Ch.2 Promises

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July 20, 1980:

Excitement coursed through Anna's veins as she got dressed. She couldn't help but feel that things were about to change, a nagging feeling began to form at the pit of her stomach. Her mother had explained to her what she should expect from the new school she was going to begin attending, when she read with her the books that she had gotten two weeks prior. Her excitement only increased as she read through the history of the school. She was lucky enough to have been able to get a book on magical creatures, marveling at all the everything she read about.

When she felt like she was ready, she quietly exited her room, saying goodbye to her cat, Misty, before she began making her way down the stairs to meet her parents. The fur ball of a cat purred at her, and went back to laying on the bed, uninterested causing Anna to laugh before closing the door behind her. As she walked down the stairs she noticed all of her things by the front door. Her owl, Chloe, in her cage waiting for the trip too.

After they ate breakfast, her parents happily grabbed her things and placed them into the car. Her father helped her get settled into her seat before they drove away.

She couldn't shake the feeling of unease as she stared at the disappearing shape in the horizon of greenery, the house seemed to be shrinking in size as the car led them farther and farther away. She let out a tired sigh looking back to the front of the car towards her parents as they slowly made their way through the now familiar busy city of London.

The car came to a halt in front of a small dingy looking inn, she wondered who lived here. Not noticing as her mother stepped out of the car, disappearing into a darkened path that led to the half dead greenery. When she did, she saw it was already too late to duck. Her mother was making her way back to their parked car with Mrs. Riddle and a scowling Tom, with a smirking Leilah trailing behind them slowly with a pip in her step. Trying to fight the scowl that began forming on her own face as they pulled the door open. Pulling out the fairytale book she'd chosen to bring for the train ride instead. 

"Good morning, Annie." The raven-haired beauty greeted her, happily.

"G-good morning Mrs. R-riddle." She greeted back in response, keeping her eyes at the book placed on her lap.

"Hiya, Annie! It's great to see you again." Leilah said, as she climbed into the car, sitting down right next to the girl.

"Hi, Leilah." Annie quietly responded, before turning to look at the boy. 

"Good morning, Tom." She greeted as she tried smiling at him.

The smile she'd managed to produce was wiped clean off her face when she heard his response and tone.

"Yes, good morning, indeed..." He mumbled in a clipped tone.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle, do not use that tone with her. You should know better than to speak to a lady like that." His mother scolded; making him wince in response.

"Told you not to..." Leilah sang, ignoring the evil eye her mother threw her way.

"Oh, shut it, you." He responded, scowling at her.


When they finally reached King's Cross Station, the aggressiveness in both children seemed to evaporate. With their attitudes long forgotten, they both practically flew out of the car in excitement.

Annie bounced on the balls of her feet along with Leilah as they waited for her father to load the wide trolleys with their things, from the neatly wrapped brown paper packages, to the trunk and her beautiful owl's cage. Tom's things were loaded in the cart next to hers, as well as Leilah things in another, rolling her eyes as Tom's and her owl tried to nip at each other in a playful manner.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang