Ch. 30

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I woke up just before dawn the next morning. Being back in the orphanage wasn't what I expected, it felt lonelier than usual. It felt gloomier than usual too, the sky was painted in gloomy grays and pastel blues, the wind hummed and danced through all the trees within the yard.

With all the girls going off to primary and secondary school. I was left to help clean the place along with some of the other chores. Baking and preparing the meals for the girls that did come back sooner than midday.

It was just after noon when Sister Julienne asked me to head down to the farmer's market to get a few ingredients. I quickly changed into a navy pencil skirt, and a black wrap around cotton sweater. Wearing only a thin silver chain that had only a large periwinkle heart shaped pendent hanging from it, I found in Rose's belongings.

Sister Prudence had informed me that Rosemary left our room locked, and hidden the only other key to the door. I thought about many things as I made it down to the market. Realizing I was probably going to need help carrying everything I would need, I made sure to bring my bag.

The enchanted bag, that had an extension charm. It was so small it looked like an average beaded bag.

"Let's see, first stop is Mrs. Jeanie's Bakery. Then it's Greta's Produce. Mr. Rory's butcher shop, and then
..." I muttered, listing off everything Sister Julienne had given me, as I crossed the road towards the farmer's market.

It took me the better part of the day to finish getting everything from the farmer's market. I had just finished putting the bag of fresh fruits into my bag, when I sensed I was being followed.

Realizing, I was possibly in danger I picked up my pace. I took three different streets, running from one side to the other of the street, attempting to lose whoever was following me. Feeling as panic began to rise, when I failed to lose who ever was following me.

I managed to get to the end of the rest where the orphanage was when I was suddenly pulled into an empty alleyway. I sucked in air getting ready to scream if need be when I realized who it was.

Standing before me, breathing just as hard as I was, stood Tom Riddle. His shoulders tense as he pinned me with his stare to the brick wall. I tried to utter a single word, but found it difficult with the way he stared at me.

"Tom? What are you- what- what's going on?" I asked, finally, scrunching my brow together.

"Anna." He managed, still tense.

When he didn't respond, I rolled my eyes at him, and laughed at him, and pushed him away with the intend of walking away from him. That, however, was futile when he grabbed my forearm, stopping me from moving any further.

"Why can't you leave me alone? Is it too hard for you to understand?" I asked, annoyed.

"No. Look, I've been meaning to talk to you. Anna, listen to me. Sirius Black is going to make you look like a fool." He finally said.

I shook my head in disbelief. I had been having the weirdest dream of this happening but now it felt like I had already lived through this.

"Why should I believe the words of someone who doesn't know how to keep a promise? Last time I heard, I am a worthless, no good waste of space. No, no worse I am a filthy mudblood." I ground out, feeling my body begin to heat up. Perspiration gathering atop my brow.

"Look, I've already apologized to you. Fifty times, but who's actually counting? Why is it so hard for you to understa-" He muttered, in the same heated tone.

"I am going to stop you, right there, Tom. I do not want to hear any more of this. If I had actually wanted any apology from you, I would have told you so. But I don't. So quit -"

Before I could say anything else he pulled me towards him, flush against his body, slamming his lips roughly onto mine. It took me a moment to realize what was happening, even though I wanted to deny it, I could feel my body begin to react of it's own accord.

"Why in the world did you-" I asked, dazed and confused.

He shrugged, "It was the only way I could get you to stop your rant. Don't think, I couldn't feel you kiss me back." He muttered.

I looked at him angrily, unable to believe he kissed me just to shut me up. Before I could stop myself, I felt my hand lift up.

*Slap *

He took a step back, grabbing right side of his face, looking at me with utter shock as he did so.

"That's nothing compared to what I'll do to you if you do that again." I threatened, pushing past him and running the rest of the way back to the orphanage.

When I reached the orphanage, I roughly pushed the front door opened, made my way towards the kitchen. Put all of the things I was sent to buy in their rightful place and half ran, half walked to the third floor to my bedroom.

Once there I through myself onto the bed, grabbed the pillow and put it on my face before letting out a frustrated scream into it. I then kicked off my shoes and climbed into bed, pulling the covers over my head to hide myself from the world.

I could tell the tears wouldn't stop until all the hurt I had been feeling, along with anger, and other feelings I locked away were all cried out. So I chose to remain in the same fetal position for most of the night.

My muscles ached yet I didn't move an inch in fear that the tears would start all over. What seemed to scare me the most was the fact I couldn't get over the kiss that happened between Tom and I. It stirred buried feelings I though I had gotten over.

The more I felt and remembered, the harder I cried. Sadly, that is where the following morning found me.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Where stories live. Discover now