ch. 40

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I spent the rest of the week in the Gryffindor common room. Pretending to study for our final exams the rest of the week.

Grisha and Torin would sometime keep me company.

When they didn't, James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter kept me company.

It was a few minutes before supper when James turned to look at me, an amused gleam in his eye.

"So, how do you think you did in the Herbology final?" He asked, as he leaned back.

"Well, I suppose." I replied softly as Alice's cat, Mocha, hopped onto my lap.

"Mangy ball of fur..." James murmured.

"Leave her alone, she's done nothing to you." I replied as I reached over and scratched the back of her ear as she meowed happily.

Sirius scoffed, wrinkling his nose at the cat as I ignored them.

"Have you had a chance to study for the Potions final exam?" Remus asked, eyeing opened Potions book on the armrest of the chair.

I frowned, "I just started reviewing all of my notes, and checking a few things within the book. So, no. I haven't had a chance." I replied, frowning.

"What about Astronomy, and Charms...?" Sirius asked.

"I've already studied for both." I replied, gesturing towards the charts and parchment paper sitting on the ground next to my book bag.

All four exchanged surprised looks before turning to look back at me.

"So, are rumors true?" Peter asked, inquisitively.

I frowned, tilting my head to the side as I looked at him. "Rumors? What rumors?" I asked.

"Well, there's a rumor going around of Sirius and you. That both of you are going together." Peter replied.

"Ah. Erm. No, those rumors are just that Sirius and have only ever been friends. Nothing more than that." I replied.

All of them exchanged a concerned look before Remus leaned forward, "Annie, the rumor was started by Malfoy... He said he was there when you told Riddle that you two were going together." He told me.

I grumbled, dropping my head onto the back of the chair. "No, he has it all wrong." I whispered, shaking my head.

"What actually happened then?" Sirius asked.

"Bella, Andi, and Cissy invited me to sit with them. They were teasing me about Riddle being interested in me. He heard and began demanding things. I might've told him that you and I were going together but it was out of anger. I swear I'm not trying to throw myself at you or anything..." I hurriedly explained.

Sirius smiled amused, "It's alright. I can see why you would try to use me as a diversion from Riddle. The bloke absolutely loathes me." He replied amused.

I snorted shaking my head at him, "Only you would be this amused by this bit of information." I mumbled shaking my head at him in response. "So, you're alright with everything thinking this? You don't mind?" I asked.

"No. Well, I mean, as long as no one gets hurt, I'll be fine." He told me.

I sighed, "Riddle is going to become more insistent. If you truly are alright with this, then we'll have to make sure that no one finds out that this is all a farce. He'll only become more persistent if he suspects I've lied to him." I told him.

"I don't have a problem with it." He replied, honestly.

I found myself nodding at him before I turned to look at his friends. "Not a word to anyone about this. Not Lily, Alice, Torin, or anyone we know. Do you understand?" I asked.

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