Ch. 7 Start of something new

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We spent the summer in my father's library. Whether it was reading or just laying in there staring at the ceiling and its unique designs.  

 It was now the day before we head back to school. Our trunks were ready to go by the door, our owls were in their cage nipping at each other playfully, as per usual. It always made me wonder why the three owls got along so easily, since some owls fought with one another. It always amused us to watch them, since they were always very playful with one another. Tom's and mine especially.

I was laying in my bed, with Misty purring happily at my side, when Tom and Leilah came into the room smirking at me, before sitting on the bed carefully.

"Are you excited about going back to school?" He asked, giving me a half smile.

During the summer when I told Tom and Leilah of my dream, they looked really confused about it. When Merope heard about the dream she made us all promise that we wouldn't do anything to hurt the Riddles. Ever. So, we hesitantly promised that we wouldn't do anything to hurt them. 

Tom and I exchanged the same doubtful look before going back to our own rooms to finish packing our things. Just as I walked into my room, I saw Leilah grimacing after we made our promise to Merope, already knowing that Tom had in fact, began to make plans in the future to pay a visit to the Riddles.

We had just boarded the Hogwarts Express, sitting in a compartment; when Bella, Cissy and the other four came into our compartment and sat down. 

"Annie!" Bella squealed, crushing me into a hug, as Rodolphus, Bastian came into the compartment right behind the three Black sisters.

"Bella, don't kill her." Cissy chided as Bella released me and she pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, Bella. Cissy. How was your summer?" I asked, smiling as Bella sat next to me, bouncing in her seat.

"Ugh. Same as always. Boring as heck." Bella said, rolling her eyes as her sister gaped at her.

I smiled at her before sitting next to Tom, and letting them sit on the other side of the compartment. 

"Are you excited about going back to school this year?" She asked, looking out the darkened sky.

"What do you guys think about Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Tom asked suddenly, staring at all of us.

'Tom, what are you doing?' I asked, clasping his hand into mine.

'Nothing, I'm just curious.' He thought back, shrugging indifferently, as he left his hand dangle loosely around mine.

I shook my head at him, already knowing where this would end. So far some of my dreams have begun to have truth in them. As of right now it felt as if I was having a deja-vu moment. It was an odd sensation for me to have, but I already knew that as time passed other things would begin to happen too.

We ended up arriving to the school late, the train had a malfunction which ended up delaying us and the rest of the students on the train. 

When we finally did reach the school, it was after curfew, and we had to be quiet since most of the school was already in bed. I couldn't help but giggle as I watched Tom trip on his cloak for the third time in a very non-Tom way. By this time, we were already halfway to the Slytherin common room, his grumbling made me let out an amused giggle.

"Shut up, Soph." He said, smiling at me.

"I didn't say anything." I muttered back, raising my hands up defensively as another giggle escaped my lips.

He rolled his eyes at me as we finally arrived and made our way into our assigned dormitories. Whispering a goodnight before disappearing up the stairs. I continued giggling until I reached my assigned room, which I was sharing with the Black sisters. I couldn't help the tired sigh that escaped my lips as I walked into the room.

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