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The thought of someone wanting to hurt us left us feeling more than confused. What exactly had we done to said person or persons? We are not more than fourteen years of age, what possible use could they have for us?

It was as if the Professor's response left more questions than answers. We wanted to know the truth but the more that we asked for it, the more evasive every adult became, in turn, making us more suspicious as the days went by.

Even if we were the only students present, it seemed as though we were plagued with diseases or cursed, the way they seemed to evade us. Popping up in the most inopportune moments of our days. Most of the time catching us by surprise.

As the holidays grew closer, we realized how lonesome we truly were. Opting to spend time to ourselves, or even together most days, since we were all being avoided. Ghosts and ghouls included even Peeves.

Our plans to spend time by the lake were put on hold when the Professors suddenly decided to spend the holidays with us. Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall suddenly eager to speak to us about the most inconsequential things, even surprising us by letting us exchange small yet significant gifts with one another.

Tom and I exchange our self-made gifts in the library. Before heading to eat in the Great Hall with the Professors.

It was one of the best Christmases I've ever had. It made me feel like I was a part of a real family. Loved.

Sadly, it didn't last long, and the next day, Tom and I continued our studies within the library, slowly working our way through the different sections of the library.

It was just after Break that I realized things at school, and everywhere else had begun to change too.

I could no longer head back to the orphanage unless I wanted to put in danger all those innocent lives that resided there. It saddened me that I didn't even get to say goodbye to the sisters there. Just Sister Prudence after she gave me, my things.

Professor Dumbledore allowed me to study books within the Forbidden Section of the library and use his own within his office if I needed to, if I wished to speak to my friends, showing me different ways of communication within the Wizarding World.

The only person I truly wished to speak to was Bellatrix. For once, I wished Hogwarts had a different source of communication. I wanted to at least see how she and her sisters were doing.

So, I asked the Professor to permit me to speak to her and her sisters. Only managing to contact them successfully two times.

When the holidays were finally over, Tom and I couldn't be more glad to see everyone arrive back at school.

Classes finally resumed, and we continued our studies as if nothing was happening. Pretending as if our lives were not at stake while everyone remained oblivious to the imminent danger. Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore kept a close, and watchful eye on us, quietly guiding us through the rest of the year.

Sadly, when everyone left for the summer break, Tom and I were once again stuck within the confines of the Castle.

It was just the day after everyone had gone back home that the dreams began to occur, as the day we would leave grew closer and closer.

"Tom, do you remember what ingredients go into the Wiggenweld Potion?" I asked as we looked over the notes we had taken all year.

He stared down at his piece of parchment paper, his brow furrowing as he scanned the paper for a moment before closing his eyes and beginning to reciting what he had skimmed moments earlier, "The ingredients to Wiggenweld Potion are one pint or Horklump juice, two drops of Flobberworm mucus, seven Chizpurfle fangs, Billywig sting slime, a sprig of mint, Boom Berry juice, one stewed Mandrake, drops of Honeywater, Sloth brain Mucus, Moondew drops, Salamander blood, ten Lionfish spines, a unicorn horn, and Wolfsbane." He recited, opening his eyes and looking over at me with a questioning arched brow.

I gulped, turning to look the next question on the parchment before looking back at his smug smirk.

Just before I could utter the next question Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore rushed into the library, scanning the room before rushing over to us.

"Anna, Tom, we need you two to gather your things and put them away, hurry. We need to move." Professor Dumbledore urged.

Tom and I shared a look before quickly grabbing our things and quickly stiffing them into our bags before they pulled us out of the library and rushed us through the castle, one of them walking before us and the other behind.

Just as we reached the Great Hall, an enormous explosion was heard from somewhere in the Castle.

Both the Professors looked at one another before rushing deeper into the room, where Headmaster Dippet awaited our arrival.

Just as we reached his location, the sound of four pops were heard from behind us.

"Tom, Anna, stay behind us." Professor Dumbledore said, as the three professors, stood protectively before us.

The four figures stared at our group for a moment before they began shooting spells towards us. Tom quickly pushed me behind him, pulling out his wand.

"Are you crazy? Tom, those wizards are more powerful than you and I put together! You can't seriously be considering going up against one of them?!" I whisper-yelled, clutching at his arm tightly.

"Well, you don't expect me to stand here watching while both our lives are in danger, do you?" He whispered back, coolly.

"Of course, you can't," I whispered, dryly as spells began to fly around the room.

I watched wide-eyed as the professors expertly blocked the offensive spells that were being thrown our way. The four men seemed to have the upper hand, backing us farther into the room.
Tom stood before me, protectively, wand poised, and ready.


Fear grew as Tom and I watched two of the men go down, the professors finally getting an advantage over the vile men.

Tom hadn't moved since the battle began, even as we both watched the professors hold their own, a spell hit Headmaster Dippet, causing him to fly back and land unconscious in a heap somewhere next to us.

The scream that followed, caused us all to jump up, only for me to realize it was I who was screaming in horrified panic.

I knew something had to be done as I finally watched another man go down, bring Professor McGonagall down with him. Tapping Tom slowly on the arm, and quietly moving next to him, I quickly pulled out my wand, before both of us went to stand next to Professor McGonagall.

"What are you two-?" She asked, blocking off another attack.

"O-ho-ho-oh! The lads have come to join in on the fun... My master will be disappointed to know that you're both dead... But it won't be my fault." The last standing man sneered at us.

At the sight of his vicious sneer, I felt as my blood began to boil, murderous anger replacing the fear I had felt moments before, and I started at this horrid man.

I could feel as my body began to tremble, as a suddenly hot sensation began to travel through my body as I tried to control the blinding anger I felt.

As the man moved to shoot a spell towards me, a large spark of blue and green flying put of my hands and hit him square in the chest as all the energy drained from my body.

An intense, sharp pain on the side of my head began to pulsate. As the floor suddenly disappeared from under my feet, everything disappeared and went dark.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Where stories live. Discover now