Ch. 19

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As we hurriedly made our way down the staircase, we found Merope already waiting for us with our things in the foyer. Putting our trunks in separate bags. How they fit in those three leather bags was beyond me. 

"Leilah, let go of her arm." She gently commanded, as she levitated the bags in mid air. 

I realized that the only things left were the owls, who were hooting happily in their cages. My steps began to falter as I stared in awe as she dangled the bags in mid air back and forth as if they weighed less than a kilogram. 

"How is it possible that you're swinging those three bags in the air as if they weigh two stone?" I asked her, curiously.

"It's a simple extension charm. I'll teach it to you later." Merope said handing me one of the three messenger bags.

"It has all of your things in there. Trunks and all." She said smiling.

"If it actually contains my trunk in here then I doubt the charm is anything but simple." I replied, as I adjusted the leather strap of the bag on my shoulder.

"I can assure you that it is, dear. I charmed them just so you don't have to be dragging around your books and trunks around." She explained

"Why are the bags made of leather?" Leilah asked, as she eyed mine.

"Those three were the last three bags I found that looked good enough for all of you." Her mother explained.

"Hmm." She replied.

"Alright, it's time to leave now. Hurry now." Merope said as she handed Tom and Leilah their bags and began preparing us for our leave. 

I rolled my eyes , glad that I had dressed in my normal floor length cotton skirt and thin long sleeve shirt. Pulling on the sleeveless cloak that my mother had given me the summer before I started studying magic at Hogwarts.

I was quiet on the way to the train station. Chloe's cage on my lap as she hooted contently, occasionally nipping at my fingers as the taxi drove us towards King's Cross. I knew that there was a conversation that was happening around me, yet I felt too distracted by the images I had seen earlier. My heart began to fill once more with dread as we reached the front of King's Cross Station.

"Anna, is something wrong? You were awfully quiet on the trip here." Merope asked as she hugged me to her, a smoothing sense of calm and security spreading through me. "Did you see something you're not telling me about?" She asked me in a low voice.

I nodded in response, quickly snapping the shield around my mind securely before placing the tips of my fingers on her jaw. I saw her eyes glaze over for a second, her expression turning to one of full astonishment before she blinked again. Her wide forest green eyes found my glassy, silvery blue greenish ones, her questioning glaze turning into one full of terror and concern.

"So, this is what your mother plans to do." She muttered, hugging me again. "Don't worry. Everything happens for a reason; the goal is to not lose your cool. Fear not, for you have the key in your hands." She whispered, smiling sadly at me before releasing me.

I nodded, glassy eyed as I turned to begin to board the train along with everyone else. 

Slowly making my way towards the usual compartment that I usually sat in. When I realized I could be alone for a while, I quickly went and sat down on the left side of the compartment. Closing my eyes in deep concentration, willing myself to see anything I could use to my advantage. I could feel my forehead wrinkle as I went deeper into concentration, flickers of images flashing here and there but nothing concrete or usable. 

There were so many possibilities as to what could end up happening. 

I had just gotten an inkling of a possibility when the compartment's door slid open. I felt my eyes shoot open as I heard the footfalls of someone walking into the compartment. I looked up from my lap to see, Tom sitting across from me with an expectant expression already on his face.

"I know what you saw earlier, I saw it through the bond." He said quietly, in an almost whisper.

I hung my head, unable to meet his intense gaze, I could feel as my vision began to blur, and hot moisture began to make its way down my face.

"Do-do you think this will come true?" He asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Tom, most-most of the things that I-I've seen, have indeed come t-true." I whispered, keeping my eyes glued to the floor.

"So, our time together really is limited? Isn't it?" He asked, pained.

"I-I believe so." I responded in the same pained tone.

He moved to sit next to me, wrapping his arms around me, bringing me into a tight hug.

"You know that no matter what charm, hex, or spell. I will never forget how much you mean to me, and-and how much I love you." He whispered.

"Love me? You-you love me?" I stuttered, shocked.

"I-I can't exactly say that what I feel for you is exactly love, since I've never been in love. But I can try to make an attempt to explain to you what I feel towards you, maybe then you can make your own assumptions, make your own conclusions." He said, pulling back to stare at me.

I nodded, watching as he closed his eyes tightly, before popping them back open to look at me. My heart began to race as my eyes met his mesmerizing gaze.

"I feel anxious when I am not by your side, there are these times when I see you and I feel as if my heart could burst out of my chest from happiness. This last year when you didn't talk to me, or vice versa, was sheer hell. I felt as if I was being torn in two. Watching you with Lestrange made me want to skin him alive, it was agonizing to watch you confide in him and not me. I didn't realize this of course until this past summer when I was in my room, I accidentally overheard you and my sister talking." He said, his forehead creasing, as if he was reliving the pain.

"Sophia, I want to apologize for hurting you. I didn't realize excluding you would hurt you so much. I regret it, I thought you should know that I only did it because I want to keep you safe. If all else fails keeping you safe will always be my main objective." He said, holding my hand.

I was about to open my mouth to reply when Bastian opened the door and walked in with Bellatrix and the rest of the group.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Rodolphus inquired, a teasing note in his voice.

"We were talking." Tom said, annoyed, his hand still wrapped around mine.

"About..." Bellatrix began looking around the compartment. "About what?" She asked, her lower lip jutting out.

"We were clearing a few things. Now that you're all here I want to inform you of a couple of things that are happening this year. I'm not entirely sure how or where to begin though…" I told them, quietly.

"Sometime this year, Leilah will disappear with Tom's mother. Tom and I will be separated, someone- I am not entirely sure who, will wipe any memories of everything we've been through and all the bonds we've made. I will be resorted into Gryffindor-" I explained, before they all began protesting. 

I let out a tired sigh, taking a deep breath before watching them all begin to argue before sighing again.

"Stop! Listen to me. All of you. I won't remember anything that is going on, neither will Tom. You all have to promise not to let anything or anyone stop us all from forming any type of friendship." I said.

"Annie, you're- you're scaring us." Bellatrix said, looking around the compartment at all of us. "Do you really think that the both of you will forget everything? In-including us?" She asked, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"Based on what I saw, which Tom also witnessed, it'll happen. I am not sure if it'll happen in a few weeks, or months but it will happen. We just have to be ready." I said, looking at all of their forlorn expressions before turning to watch the green blur outside as the express rushed passed it.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt