Ch.5 Anxious discoveries

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Christmas break finished rather quickly after the incident with the man, who we were later informed to be Leilah and Tom's father. We spent the rest of break reading our books, trying to figure out a few questions that popped up.

We were, as of now, on our way to back King's Cross Station. We were all quite anxious to get back to school. After discovering that the man we ran into was indeed Leilah and Tom's biological father. After that, we wanted nothing more than to be alone, back at school to get our wits about us.

'Did you ever wonder what it would be like if we had never met?' I asked him.

'No. I mean, I don't want to or like to think of 'what if's. I do wonder what my life would've been like if I had both of my parents in my life but I think I am glad that my father isn't in my life. He seems like a bloody arsehole if you ask me, and I am being honest.' He thought back, smirking at me with an amused expression as he said the vile word.

"Oh, Tom, I don't think it's very nice to say that word." I scolded, wrinkling my nose at him.

"I didn't say it though, I thought it." He clarified, grinning at me now, one of his rare smiles.

He almost never smiled. It was extremely rare to catch Tom smiling. What I usually got was a smirk or half a smile. It almost always caused the same reaction for me. My heart began to speed up, my breath got stuck on my throat as if I had tried to swallow a rock, and my palms began to moisten with perspiration. I smiled back, feeling slightly dazed.

"It would've probably been a disaster. Knowing Tom, he'd probably do something like become a psychopathic murder." Leilah commented.

'You bitch.' He thought, scowling at her.

'Oh, well,thank you, I do try my best. 'She replied, throwing a smile his way. 

"Sophie, I was wondering. Do you remember how when that man tried to attack us?" He asked, trying to ignore Leilah's jab.

"Yes, I do...and he's your father, Tom. Like it or not." I said, dryly.

"That man is not my father." He sneered. I opened my mouth ready to argue that the man is in fact their father when he scowled, before he interrupted whatever I was about to argue. 

"Let me finish. When you thought of the words Stop and then leave now and he did so? Do you ever wonder what that could've been?" He asked, curiously, tactfully changing the subject. 

Not that I didn't notice. He always does this when he wants to avoid something.

"I thought you don't believe in 'what if's?" Leilah input, staring at him, mockingly. 

"I suppose, if I was scared, maybe I accidentally did something I wasn't supposed to." I allowed, wringing my fingers together on my lap.

By that time, it was almost time to change into our uniforms, and coats. Seeing as it was very cold around this time. Leilah and I shivered in our stockings, wishing that we had some leg warmers on our legs that covered everything, instead of just a section of our shins.

"We should do some research. Maybe we can figure out what happened." He suggested, as we felt the express come at a steady halt right in the station in Hogsmeade.

We nodded in response to that as we all climbed into the carriage that would take us back onto the school grounds.

I had a feeling that getting back into study mode would be of course easier said than done. Tom didn't seem to be having trouble though. It appeared I was the one who was struggling with it all.

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