Ch. 29

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The following weeks seemed to seep through us. More than a few rules were applied to the already existing ones.

The professors were now walking us to and from classes. We were only allowed a small break in between each classes, however, just before the noon once more we were gathered within the ancient stone walls of the Great Hall, tension seemed to run high as we were told to take a seat.

From my seat, I quickly noticed Tom and Dave seated within the Slytherin table. Tom stared at me a quick, briefly throwing me worried glance, before his face turned expressionless.

The clink of glass quickly silenced the room as if a silencing spell was thrown over it. Professor Dippet stood before us all. The rest of the professors, sitting along their table as he waited for the last of the sound to cease.

"It is said that people are prone to different reactions within different circumstances. Some to be good, some to be bad." He began, sighing.

"One cannot truly let one's emotions blind them. Yet it seems this is the case along with many." He said, looking around the room. "Darkness seems to be lurking around every corner, precautionary actions shall be taken to keep each and everyone one of you safe, and it is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that we shall have to inform all of you of the Ministry's latest decree." He informed

"Starting tomorrow morning, no student shall be allowed to be left here over any break. Until it is ensured that the school is safe enough for you all to attend, classes shall be suspended and will recommense after winter break." He finished sadly.

I felt my chest tighten as I heard the implication. Hogwarts, might be closing. The groans that filled the room gave me my answer.

Suddenly all the drama that revolved around me began to seem minuscule. I realized we were already in December but due to all the Christmas decorations that had suddenly been appearing around the school. Professor Flitwicks doing, no doubt.

After a silent minute, we were all sent to pack up our things and be back down in the Great Hall within the hour. Hearing that automatically brought tears to my eyes, as I realized that I would have to go back to the orphanage with the nuns tonight. I hardly had any friends, meaning I'd be alone for these next few weeks.

'Maybe the nuns will allow me to keep studying myself within these weeks.' I thought, as I made my way back down the stairs, towards the Great Hall.

A quick meal was provided for everyone, before we were all escorted towards the entrance courtyard. Where we were loaded into the carriages. Bellatrix automatically pulled me and her sisters towards one and climbed in before shutting the door behind us, since the chilled air seemed to be blowing harshly around us all

Moments later, Luscius along with the Lestrange twins climbed in followed by Tom. Feeling around in my bag I quickly pulled out a book to hide behind during the ride to Hogsmeade train station.

"Do any of you have plans during break?" asked Bastian.

"If I manage to escape having any chores, maybe I may go to the zoo." I muttered shrugging from behind my muggle studies textbook.

"Like a muggle zoo?" He asked confused.

"Yes." I replied, scanning the pages as I did so.

"What for?" Bellatrix asked, curiously.

"For the same reason you stay locked in your room. For some alone time. Away from everyone." I replied snapping my book closed before I slipped it back into my bag as the carriage stopped.

Lily pulled me away as I climbed out of the carriage and slowly made my way towards the express. Her face was tear stained, and blotchy. Her hair a fiery disarray that made her look like she had a fiery halo instead of long red locks.

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