Ch. 1 First meeting

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July 15, 1971 Wales

A small raven-haired girl with a mixture of silvery-gray and blue-green eyes looked out the window as both of her parents rushed to get her into bed. Her grayish blue-green eyes looking up at her father questioningly as he tenderly pried her away from the bay window, pulling her into his arms before turning and taking her to her bouncy bed.

"Since I am eleven does this mean that I get to go to the special school that mommy and you said and leave the one I'm in now?" She asked excitedly, pulling back from his warm embrace.

"We'll see darling. Now get some sleep, darling girl." He said kissing her forehead, after he placed her on the bed, gently pushing her back and pulling the soft blankets over her tiny body.

"Alright, but I won't like it." She muttered scowling at her amused father.

Her father in turn let out a few chuckles, shaking his head at her in amusement before smiling down at her. "Goodnight. I love you my little love bug..." He said kissing her forehead once more.

"With all my heart." The little girls muttered sleepily, her eyes beginning to get heavy. "G'night daddy." She muttered, before she sunk into a heavy sleep.

"Goodnight, pumpkin. Sweet dreams, my darling girl." He whispered as he stood up and walked out of the room.

To their excitement, and the little girl's, the next morning as they had breakfast, a letter had arrived for the little girl. To the girl's astonishment the letter was dropped off by a brown, white, and black feathered barn owl, one that was rather small and had rather big, dark, and beady eyes. 

People always thought of the girl younger than she actually was due to her tiny frame, and stature. She was actually eleven years old. That along with the fact that she attended a private school of high prestige made her brighter than average children of the same age as her.

Physically, she had a good combination of her parents. Though she seemed to have her mother's same size and stature, her dark rich multicolored locks, eye shape and smile. While she also had her father's facial features, and to her mother's dismay many of his habits and mannerisms. Her eyes color, stunning both her parents when they realized it was a combination of both of their eye colors. Mentally, she had both her mother's and father's combined intelligence.

"Annie, look what has arrived for you this morning." Her mother chanted, waving the letter in the air in front of her.

"Is that- is that for the school you told me about? The magical one? What was the name again— Hogwarts?!" The little girl asked, excitedly, letting out a high-pitched squeal as her mother handed her the letter. She handed the letter back to her mother to read out loud as she excitedly finished her breakfast.

"With all the screaming, you'd think she was going to meet the Queen of England... or asked to join the royal court..." Her father muttered, hiding behind his newspaper. 

The family then made plans to go buy all of her school supplies later that day. Much to the little girl's excitement it included her very first wand.


1971 July, Little Hangleton, London

"Leilah! Tom!" The raven-haired woman called from the kitchen.

An eleven-year-old boy appeared next to the table, looking up at his mother as his eyes twinkled with mischief. His twin sister, trailing into the room a few feet behind him.

"Yes, mum?" He asked, standing up straight and holding his hand behind his back.

"Do you two remember my friend, Lucy?" She asked, crouching down to meet the boy's height to look at him in the eye before turning to look at the raven haired sister, who sat on the table looking bored.

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