Ch. 13

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Anna/ Sophie's PoV:

It became apparent that I wasn't the only one thinking about leaving early. 

The next day, all the corridors were filled with students running around packing the last of their things within the House of Slytherin. I had just finished packing my things when a distinctly familiar, and continuous pecking and tapping began on the window located next to my bed.

"Chloe." I sighed and greeted happily, as she hopped into the room, waiting for me to take the letter from her beak.

I giggled once, before taking the letter holding my other arm out to her, palm up, ready for her to eat her treats as I opened the letter and began to read it. In it, Merope informed me that Tom and Leilah had also written to her informing her that they, too, planned to go home early, as well. Notifying us that we were to meet her at our usual spot, only this time we would wait inside the train station.

I nodded to myself, before letting Chloe fly to the Owlery, letting her stretch her wings before she had to endure sitting in her cage and the long ride home. 

I smiled watching as she flew in the air happily before heading in the direction of the Owlery, almost wishing to be like her, flying away whenever I pleased.

I sighed tiredly, wanting nothing more than to skip the entire trip and be home already, and in the safety of my own room. I knew it was impossible, in reality I was just trying to avoid any type of confrontation between Tom and me from happening. 

I knew my friends would be going back home today with me. That fact alone made me feel better about traveling back home with Tom in any vicinity of me. Even if it is a long train ride home.

I had just finished putting all of my things in my trunk when I realized I would have to sit in the same compartment with Tom for more than four hours. That immediately soured my good mood.

Just as I sat down to sulk, Bellatrix and her sisters suddenly burst into the room cackling about something or other. When they took in the sulking expression on my face, automatically directed their attention to me.

"Hey Anna, what's got your knickers in a bunch?" Bellatrix asked, snickering again.

"Why did you miss breakfast?" Cissy asked, as she checked around the room to make sure she wasn't leaving anything behind. 

"I wanted to finish packing, and I am not all that hungry at the moment." I said, looking out the window.

"You should've eaten at the very least a small bite. Now you're not going to be able to eat anything but the junk they have on the trolley of the train." Andromeda said, handing me a small nap sack. 

I took it hesitantly, peeking inside before looking back up at her, wide-eyed. "I-I can't have this. This is what your mother sent you." I said, handing it back to her.

"Take it, we're going home today. We can get more baked goodies once we get back home, besides you haven't eaten a single bite since last night at dinner. You need to eat something." She said smiling at me.

I nodded before reaching into the sack and taking a brownie and munching on it slowly, feeling as my stomach began to grumble loudly causing us all to laugh in response to the noise.


For the next three hours, we finished checking to make sure that nothing was left behind before we slowly made our way down to the common room and out to the Entrance Courtyard, where huge black carriages were waiting for us to take us into a little town near the school. 

Hogsmeade, I believe, is the name of the small township. 

I rode in the carriage with Andromeda. We were all quiet until we got to the train station and boarded the train. I told her to meet me in the compartment that we sat in on the way to school at the beginning of this year.

I walked in and sat alone, watching as the train began to move at a steady pace. It would be hours before we got to the train station in London. 

I was alone for about ten minutes before the door to the compartment slid open. Though as the door slid completely opened I realized I didn't recognize this boy.

I noticed his strawberry blonde locks had traces of mahogany in them standing by the door. Which meant his hair would be changing color one day soon. Or would become a mix. I quickly realized I had been staring at him for too long when the tips of his ears began to turn an amusing shade of magenta.

"Is it alright if I sit here?" He asked timidly.

"Of course, have a seat." I said, giving him a gentle smile.

"Hi. I am Sophia Annamarie. Pleasure to meet you..." I greeted the shy boy, giving him an encouraging smile.

"N-nice to meet you. I am Newton Artemis Scamander. But everyone calls me N-Newt." He said, his head inclining as he sat across from me.

"I think I'll call you Artemis. That way you can tell who your friends are." I said smiling slightly at him.

Before he could utter another word, the compartment door slammed open and into the compartment skipped Bellatrix along with her sisters trailing in behind her, Tom and the Lestrange twins trailing behind the group. I briefly rolled my eyes at their interference, unable to utter a single word from the annoyed anger I felt. 

I could see Newt cowering into the corner of the compartment as if it would make him disappear. I could tell he didn't like confrontations, trying to quickly diffuse the situation at hand. Tom eyed the boy in the corner before turning to look at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Everybody this is Newt. Keep your mouths shut and we'll have a happy ride home." I said, as I moved to sit next to Newt, and Bastian nodded before sitting on the other side of me.

"Blood status?" Tom asked sitting next to Bastian, who seemed rather tense as Tom spoke.

"Jeez, Tom leave him alone. Merlin, not everyone thinks blood status is imperative. Leave him alone, you're scaring the boy, for Merlin's sake... " I mumbled, rolling my eyes at him, annoyed.

"That's alright, Sophia. I'm a Pure-blood." He answered, looking towards me grateful.

I saw from the corner of my eye as Tom stiffened when Newt called me Sophia, making me want to laugh at his reaction.

Everyone seemed to relax after that. We were an hour or so away from King's Cross Station in London when Rod suddenly asked.

"Newt Scamander. Newt, Newt where have I heard that name before?" He muttered. "I know your brother. His name is Theseus Scamander." He said suddenly.

"He is an auror. He was in Hufflepuff." Rod sneered, causing the boy to flinch back in his seat.

"Shut up, Rod. We all know that the only reason you are sneering right now is because you only have those who are friends with your brother. Now be quiet and quit being such a prick. For once in your life, know when to shut your mouth." I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him.

He looked at me with widened eyes,  before he plopped down at the end of the seat, glaring at the floor, occasionally muttering something under his breath.

The rest of the hour it was quiet with the occasional question or comment thrown here and there. So far, nothing seemed to change between us, even if Tom and I weren't on speaking terms.

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