ch. 39

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I avoided Tom after the argument we had.

He tried apologizing soon after the incident but I wasn't interested in listening to another poor excuse for his actions.

After that I hardly interacted with him, and tried my hardest to avoid doing so. Actively refusing to work with him, and even going as far as to walk away from him if he tried to approach me in the corridors.

Two weeks before the year ended, Bellatrix and her sisters asked me to meet them in the western courtyard.

I tried to tell them I was busy studying for the end of the year exams but Bella was having none of it.

"Please? Just come sit with us for a while. I promise it'll be worth it." She said as she tried to convince me to meet with them.

"Bella, I have a lot of studying to do. We have our potions final this Wednesday." I replied, as I moved to get out of my seat.

"It'll just be for an hour. Andi and Cissy miss seeing you." She replied with a pout.

I shook my head as I gathered my book, and began to stand, and gather my things. "We spoke earlier this morning. What could we possibly need to do for over an hour in the West Courtyard?" I asked her.

"We want to catch up. It's been weeks since we've gotten together to just sit and chat. We want to know what's been going on with your life. Please." She practically begged.

I sighed, shaking my head at her, "If I agree to go, will you stop pouting and stop with the comments?" I asked her.

She blinked at me, before nodding with an eyeroll.

"Alright. I'll go." I conceded. "But you do realize we see each other every day during class." I pointed.

"You stopped sitting with us because of Riddle. I'd say Cissy and I deserve a chance to hear what you've been up to too." She replied with a scoff.

"Andromeda is probably the only one who doesn't see me so often." I told her as we began making our way towards the Great Hall.

"Alright. Just meet us at the Western Courtyard after lunch." She replied over her shoulder, as she walked in the direction of the Slytherin table.

I stood by the doors for a moment, before shaking my head and rushing towards the Gryffindor table and sitting down next to Grisha and Torin.

"Why the long face, Annie?" Torin asked, leaning towards me to so nobody would hear.

I sighed shaking my head as I set down my book bag.

"You do realize you are wearing the same face you always have when you fight with Riddle, don't you?" She asked, smiling at me.

I frowned, "I don't make any face. Besides, I haven't spoken to Riddle since the end of March." I replied, as Lily and Alice arrived to the table.

"You do. It's sort of like this." She replied, as she jutted out her lower lip and creased her forehead.

I smiled, shaking my head at her in amusement before sighing. "It's not Riddle. Honestly, it's just Bella and her sisters wish for me to meet with them, and I need to study for the test we have this week." I replied, honestly.

"Oh, right. Well, most of the topics within the test are things we learned through out the year. You're at the top of our class, you can spare a moment to spend with your other friends." Torin replied as she turned to stick her tongue out at James and his friends.

Grisha frowned, leaning over to look at me. "Who are you going to meet with?" She asked.

"Oh, Bella and her sisters. For a while before I have to go study." I replied.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें