Ch. 12 Missing

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Tom's Pov:

I knew that keeping my studying the Dark Arts from Sophie was me risking me getting caught under her wrath, but I didn't realize that I would end up hurting her to the point of her completely shutting me out. Not even when I tried communicating with her through our link, all I received was the cold shoulder.

I knew that she didn't take me hiding things from her kindly, in fact, my left arse cheek was still sore from the time she made a sharp rock fly towards my back last summer when I kept the plans of me going to see my father, once I was older. Her aim was impeccable, she need not lift a finger if she wanted to do something, she only used her wand while at school, wandless magic being her specialty along with other things.

Just like me.

I want power, I wish to grow up and be the most powerful sorcerer in the world, of all time. Yet, when I am with her, I see her as my possible equal, I seem to forget everything when I am with her.

I couldn't help but think of all of this as I went to bed at night. There were a lot of things that were bothering me, but these are bothering me more than usual. My mind kept drifting back to the last few months and how everything had changed between us.

The morning when she stopped talking to me is still fresh in my mind.

After we discovered that we had a telepathic link we both quickly discovered something called Occlumency, blocking one's mind from unwanted visitors. That morning she had disappeared, which was rare for her, because I couldn't hear her, it was as if she disappeared into thin air, and that worried me, but I quickly masked it with a sly smirk.

When she walked into the Great Hall, I couldn't help but stare at her as she made her way towards the Slytherin table. Her long, silky dark ebony locks almost flying behind her as she walked briskly towards the table.

"Did you need something, Riddle?" She asked, turning to look back at the book she had on her lap.

Surprising me by the cool edge in her otherwise sweet voice, and the fact that she used my surname.

"I just wanted to know where you disappeared to, earlier this morning." I said, pulling out my own book from my cloak pocket.

I could feel as her all-seeing eyes scanned the cover of the book. It read: Et ab altissimis tenebris premuntur artium Magia. Crap, I'm dead where I stand.

I watched from the corner of my eye as she slowly reached to touch my hand, and let her mind link open to connect with mine. I felt as my brows smoothed and I looked up to meet her silvery, blue-green combination. One I have always admired, it never failed to quicken my pulse, and increase the beats of my heart as I got lost in the endless pools of blue, green, and silvery gray.

'Dark Arts? What's going on, Tom?' She asked me, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me.

'Tom?' I thought, surprised by the iciness in her tone of voice.

She ignored me and raised an eyebrow at me once more.

'Nothing is going on. I just saw this book the other day in the library and felt curiosity as to see what it is about.' I gulped as I quickly thought of a response, trying not to think of anything else that would give my plans up.

'Tommy, you could lie all you want but I really don't think curiosity is why you got that specific book. Now, tell me the real reason you got this for, before I actually get angry with you.' She thought commandingly, crossing her arms over her chest, as the group began to arrive and sit around us at the table.

"Good morning, Annie." Bellatrix greeted her, smiling rather brightly.

"Good morning, Bella." She mumbled back dryly, a scowling forming on her face.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon