Ch. 22

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Throughout the rest of the day the warm sun began to disappear behind the dark puff clouds that seemed to appear out of nowhere. I was about to go into Divination when I suddenly felt as if I'd been hit on top of the head, causing my vision to blur and for me to stumble into Bella, who happened to be walking alongside of me at that moment.

"Annie? Annie?" A distorted voice called me, I felt as if I was submerged in water, everything sounded cloudy and my eyes stung badly.

Utter darkness closed on me, suffocating me. After who knows what amount of time I finally regained the ability to open my eyes. With a large amount of struggle, I finally pulled my lids back flinching when they began stinging badly, tears blurring my vision as my eyes traveled around the room. I felt as if my body had been put through a meat grinder, parts of my body I didn't know existed ached, when I, ever so slowly began feeling my limbs begin to twitch, before I was able to get the ability to move in my entire body again.

I bit back a pained groan, and let my eyes slam shut, clenching my fist as more pain shot through my body, as I began hearing more familiar voices within the room speak. I didn't believe want to believe what I was hearing.

"Seriously, you've seen what she's seen and, yet you still choose to go ahead with all of this idiotic plot of yours? You're going to get us all killed. I thought you were smarter than that but apparently you're too selfish to see that not only will it affect you and I, but her too." Leilah reproached.

"I thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be intelligent, and witty. So far, I've only seen you be witty. I'm sorry to inform you that you're failing six of seven characteristics to be a Ravenclaw, sister." Tom quipped, in a bored tone.

"Yes, well, I can see how you would only see that. For your information, I'm not the one who's failed to see the danger within this situation. Annie, herself, told us that someone has decided something. That decision alone is concrete, if you don't change your decision we'll all be separated!" She quipped back at him.

"Oh, come now. Surely, you don't actually believe all of this separation nonsense do you, Leilah?" He scoffed.

"Two days ago, you did too, Tom... and let me just add that your incredulity and selfishness is going to end up getting us all hurt if you don't snap out of whatever state you seem to be trapped in. You might want to think about that before Anna wakes up and hears that you're doubting everything she's told us. Especially since you, yourself have witnessed such things." She added, before she walked away.

I felt shocked as I listened to the two siblings bicker back and forth. I felt tears slip from the corner of my eye, this time coming with the sting of betrayal. For the next thirty minutes I laid there, trying to wrap my mind around what I had just heard. I must've let my mind wonder, because the next moment I felt a cool hand pressing against my clammy forehead.

"Annie? Annie, dear? Can you hear me?" The gentle voice said, one that I later recognized to be Madam Noelle.

I nodded, my head once, willing the stinging pain I felt in my head to go away, as I heard her let out a relieved sigh as she walked away. I sighed too, and propped my eyes opened before pulling myself into a sitting position on the lumpy cot

I noted that the wing was empty, aside from me and Madam Noelle, who was quickly making her way over to me. I felt my eyes widen as my eyes landed on the tray she held before her.

"W-what is all of that?" I asked, gulping as I realized that all the potions were most likely for me.

"Well, dear, seeing as you took a tumble from the steps leading to Divination class, I'd say you're lucky you're here and not in St. Mungo's. You almost went through a bloody window. You ought to be more careful where you are walkin', I reckon." She said chastisingly.

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