Ch. 34

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The ashes I swallowed earlier now seemed to be stuck within my overly parched throat. I began to cough violently as I laid there on the ground, ontop of a sore, badly battered Tom.

"Merlin's beard, Albus, get her a glass of water. The poor dear must've swallowed some ash as she traveled here." I heard the familiar soothing voice of Madam Noelle as she gently pulled me to a sitting position.

I look back toward Tom and watch as he winces, as he tried to quickly sit up on his own. 'His injuries have begun to bother him once more.' I noted mentally.

"Annie, dear. Are you alright, deary?" She asks me, wide-eyed.

"Err, I am fine." I rasped, sitting up slowly.

She quick nods at me, before she goes to help Tom, quickly pulling him to his feet then proceeding to pull him towards the hospital wing. I almost let out a giggle as I see Tom's eyes widen in terror, realizing exactly where they're headed. I realize quickly that they're using that as a diversion, all of them.

"Uhh.. P-Professor Dumbledore, sir. Headmaster Dippet, sir. What is really going on here? Are we really in so much danger that we couldn't stay obscured within the orphanages we've been living in? Who is after us? Will Tom be alright? Why do you keep looking at each other as if I'm not here? I can see you're all hidding something... So, what is it?" I jumbled, feeling my pulse begin to quicken in fear.

I watched them as they all shared another look, having a silent conversation before they both turned to me.

"I want the truth. If someone is trying to hurt us, we deserve to know!" I demanded, my voice raising as I spoke.

"Anna...," Professor Dumbledore began, sighing once, once again making eyes contact with Headmaster Dippet.

"Yes, you both are in grave danger. We're not entirely sure who is after you, but we know they're looking to either take Tom or you, even go as far as to hurt you both. That is why I brought you two back here." The professor explained as he paced in the length of his office.

As he spoke I felt as if my legs were knocked from under me. My skin was suddenly covered in goose pimples, sweat began beading atop my brow, as a humming noise rang in my ears, I could feel my eyes begin to glaze over and a stirring began within the pit of my stomach.

I fought against the heavy, choking feeling that threatened to drag me into the darkness. My hands began trembling, my legs buckled under heavy feeling as I quickly lost the fight against the heavy dark abyss.

I felt as if I was suffocating. No amount of pushing against the heavy abyss changed it. I was about give in, when I felt something change, the abyss suddenly turned into flecks of color, too much color. It became too bright, and almost too vivid.

The vivid colors suddenly began to change before me. I could now see an assortment of images.

Tom was in them, Dumbledore was in them, even I was in them. Something seemed to be off. I knew that it wasn't the present I was seeing, or the past, so it must have something to do with the future.

The school, it was empty, Tom and I were sitting in the Great Hall, very few people were there. It seemed like any other day, but suddenly it all changed.

Four cloaked figures walked into the room. Heading straight towards where Tom and I stood. Dumbledore deflected all that he could, but it seemed that it was almost too much.

All hope seemed lost, the professor was badly hurt, when two of the figures turned towards me, raising their wands as they slowly walked towards me.

The same energy that flowed within me in that images was the same energy I felt flowing through me as I watched helplessly. When one of the figures lifted their hands towards me, the image suddenly disappeared.

I could feel my body lift off of the surface I was laid upon. My body began to gain feeling, I could now flex my fingers, my limbs seemed to be twitching as I slowly but surely began to gain movement o my once numb limb.

I laid there, waiting as it all dispersed, before the only abnormality I could feel was the heat I felt before rushing down my nasal passage.

"Anna? Annie? Can you hear me? Open your eyes, dear, please open your eyes, sweetheart." A soothing voice begged.

Sadness struck me as I listened to the soothing feminine voice. It was thick with tears and heartbreak.

Listening to the voice only made me want to respond to its call. Willing my lids to peel back, only to flinch and close them in the same instant as the brightness of the sun shines through the opened windows.

"How is she, Minnie?" A familiar voice asked suddenly.

"How do you think she is, Albus? Do you see a change from when she first got here? Is she awake?" She answered forcefully.

"Minnie, what happened wasn't my fault...Prudence sent an owl that said Tom had been injured, he is badly hurt. How either of them were found, is beyond me. It is truly a blessing in disguise that Annie wasn't present at that moment, or who knows what would've happened?" He replied in low, steady voice.

"What is that supposed to mean? Albus, did you know- did you know this was going to happen to them?" She asked, appalled.

"No, Minnie, I didn't. I just deeply regret siding with Lucia a few months ago. I feel that my mistakes will greatly affect us all. Whether it's in the present or the future remains to be seen." He murmurs.

'Lucia? Who is Lucia?' I wondered, tiredly.

I let a few moments pass before I let out a gasp, the flow of energy suddenly flying out into the room unexpectedly, causing all the glass to shatter into small bits and pieces.

I couldn't control it, the energy seemed to be seeping from somewhere inside me, pouring out of me as if a spigot was opened.

"Anna. Anna, you're going to need to calm down, my dear. Otherwise, all of us may end up hurt." I heard a voice say.

"Annie, come on. Wake up, you over dramatic git. We're alright. I'm alright. Now open your eyes." The smooth voice coaxed.

It took more than one try to be able to finally peel my lids back, the light still made my poor, sensitive eyes sting but I was able to with stand the smarting when my eyes landed on the blurry figure that was leaning over me on the bed.

Without think my hand shot out and connected with the unexpected figure.


"Merlin's beard!" The person cried, as I gasped once more, shooting into a sitting position.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Where stories live. Discover now