Ch. 3 Unexpected Surprises

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It had been at least three weeks since the three children arrived at Hogwarts for the first time. The two Slytherins became inseparable after the sorting night, while the Ravenclaw made friends of her own. It was a rare time anyone saw Anna without Tom, they almost always had contact with one another. Whether physically, meaning Tom's arm around Anna's small shoulders or Anna's arm wrapped around one one of his arms, or mentally. 

Now the boy seeming to notice that, his twin sister, was always observing them. 

As his sister was left wondering what the girl had that changed her otherwise cranky, moody older brother.

The night after the sorting ceremony, they both realized that they could hear each other's thoughts, weirdly enough, they were both ecstatic and quickly began to experiment with it. Quickly concluding that distance wouldn't be a problem. Though if they had physical contact, meaning holding hands or hugging, their thoughts became clearer than before. Having an identical time table helped them immensely.

Leilah, who quickly made a friends of her own, couldn't help but wonder how or why her brother and the girl were always so close to each other. Why was he always holding her close? He was treating her better than he ever treated her, not that it mattered to her. She personally thought he was a mix between arrogant arsehole and a toerag. 

What no one seemed to understand is that he was only ever polite to someone, when he wanted something. That fact alone bothered her. What would happen to the poor girl, once Tom got what he wanted from her? She only hoped she wasn't hurt too badly.

They were in transfiguration class watching as Professor Dumbledore taught them how to turn a feather into a pocket watch. Anna watched the enigmatic man explain what transfiguration was, jotting notes down vigorously. Tom, who sat next to her, was taking notes with the same vigor. When class was dismissed they linked hands again and proceeded to go to their next class. 

The classes were straight forward easy for them, seeing as they read their books during the summer. 

Their next class was with Madam Bodnick. Their flying instructor. It was their first flying lesson and they were both ecstatic. 

"How do you think we'll do?" She asked Tom.

"I'm sure we'll be fine." He soothed, giving her a slight smile as they made their way out to the field.

However, the flying lesson didn't go as planned. First, the professor arrived to class in a late as everyone chatted exctiedly.

"Everyone stand next to your broomsticks." She intructed, after she took attendance and lead them to where two rows of broomsticks laid on the ground. 

Anna looked down at the brooms in question. Some looked to be as old as the school, while others were bent, and newer looking.

"Put your right hand over your broom," she called "and say 'Up!'."

'Up!'  Everyone shouted.

Anna's broom jumped into her extended hand with a swoop. While Tom's jump directly towards his face, hitting him on the nose. She giggled as the broom fell towards the ground once more.

"Shut up, Sophie." He muttered, the tip of his ears turning bright red as he tried and failed once more.

Madam Bodnick, showed them how to mount it properly and grasp it tightly so they wouldn't slide off the end of it.

"Now, at the sound of my whistle, you jump up from the ground," she intructed, "Go up a few feet and then come back down. When you hear my whistle -three - two-"  She blew.

Everyone did as they were instructed to do, except a girl name Peggy. She jumped as her broom carried her a few feet before it snapped in half. She fell to the ground with a plop, landing on the professor. 

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