Ch. 24

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I woke up in the infirmary, feeling like I was missing a limb. I felt confused as to what I was doing here since the last thing I remember is reading in the library with my friend Newt. I felt fear suddenly grip me as my eyes landed on a handsome boy laying in the cot next to mine, I knew him, I know I did. His features looked too familiar, and his hair and complexion felt and looked so familiar to me.

"What are you doing?" He suddenly asked me, surprising me and making me jump out of my skin.

"Me? Oh, nothing, I was just flicking a piece of rubbish from your hair." I lied, feeling as my skin began to heat up.

"Alright, if you say so." He said, as he propped himself onto his elbows, his familiar deep forest green eyes staying on me.

"What's your name?" He questioned sitting up on the cot.

"Mine? Oh, its Annamarie Riel. Yours?" I asked, watching as he smirked at me, staring at me for a few more minutes before his lips pulled into a charming smile.

"It's Tom. Tom Riddle." He stated, smirking at me.

"Tom. Anna." Professor Slughorn called, as he stepped into the infirmary.

"Yes, professor." We answered at the same time, all the while keeping our gazes locked.

"I've just been informed by the Headmaster that you two are exemplary students. I am sorry to hear about the accident, no matter, you two seem alright now." He said.

We looked at each other confused, before turning to gaze upon the tubby man, his rosy cheeks told me that he had been running before he got here. It set my nerves on edge watching him prattle on about the tragic accident we had been in. Which made me wonder, what accident had we been in?

I looked around the room to realize that the room was practically deserted, a few beds were mussed as if someone had been laying in them and suddenly gotten up and left in a hurry.

"What accident Professor, sir?" Tom asked, confused, as he took my hand into his warm one, and giving it a gentle squeeze.

The moment his hand clasped around mine I felt as if an electric current entered my body, my mind began to get different flashes of random things, but mostly the one person I saw was Tom. We'd met first year. The emerald ring I bore on my left middle finger told me that our friendship was more than so.

"A group of students had an incident with the Whomping Willow last night. I'm afraid to also say that one of the students' present was struck by one of the limbs of the willow tree and is now deceased." The professor said, shaking his head forlornly at the ground, as I snapped out of whatever state I was suddenly in.

Tom and I shared a nervous glance before turning back to Professor Slughorn, however, before we could ask who the student was Professor Dumbledore walked into the infirmary with the Headmaster.

"Ah. Miss. Riel, Mister. Riddle. How are you feeling today?" He asked, giving us each a gentle smile.

"Alright." We both replied simultaneously.

"Wonderful. Now that you're all better, you can both go to your respective houses." Dumbledore stated smiling warmly at us.

We both nodded simultaneously, watching as they left before I scrambled off the side of Tom's cot, and slipped on my leather boots.

"What house are you in?" He asked me, curiosity written on his face as he stood by the cot, slipping on his robes before waiting for me to do the same.

"Oh, uh. I-I don't kno-" I began before we were interrupted by a Gryffindor prefect.

"Riel, what are you doing roaming the halls with this Slytherin?" The boy asked, a sneer etched on his face.

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