Ch. 16 Horrible Nightmare

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The darkness seemed to be everywhere. The sense of direction seemed to lose its meaning here within the blackness. I began moving towards what I thought was north when suddenly images began to appear before me.

They were appearing at such a blinding speed, it caused my already confused state become hazier than before.

I hadn't begun to understand one image when the next one was already beginning to unravel, much to my exasperation.

I couldn't seem to figure out what was going on, panic began to bubble in the pit of my stomach as I realized the images were beginning to slow down. They were images of Tom, or what I thought was Tom. I stepped closer, feeling as a crease formed between both of my brows.

My stomach began to churn as the images began playing before me at a speed I could finally grasp from the situation at hand.

This man wasn't at all like the Tom I knew. Or at least used to know. This man was unnaturally pale, had long unusually long, abnormal limbs, fingers that looked more like talons rather than fingers, with claws instead of nails. His face didn't appear to have a nose- instead having two slits, orifices in place of a nose, embedded into the skull. His eyes were the color of blood, the pupils were slanted instead of the normal spherical shape.

His ghostly pale face wore an evil sneer plastered on it, with sharp fang-like teeth around his lip-less mouth. Dressed in a dark, hooded cloak that dragged across the dirt-covered floor, he was barefoot. I could see as if something was fighting to come out of him when I looked at him full on. Another image showed up, one who seemed to look almost too familiar.

Dark raven tresses, familiar forest green eyes, normal manly height, a handsome face and sharp aristocratic features.

I could almost recognize him. Almost. If it wasn't for the reddish hue in the white of his eyes. His facial features blurred.

I could feel myself begin to get a cold sweat, shivers and goose flesh breaking out across my cool skin as I stared down at my own limbs -body and face.

I felt a gasp of horror escape me as I noted that I too had changed, my normally ivory colored skin was now a ghostly pale. The purple colored veins under my epidermal layer could be seen, under my unnaturally pallid skin, some veins popping up under the smooth skin of my hands.

I looked up to be met with a startling site, my reflection staring back at me. I noticed that my normally mahogany locks had a variety of colors splayed around it, it shined, falling in smooth, neat tresses all the way down to my torso. My eyes sparkled like a pair of rare blue sapphires, but held a red tint to them, making them give off a violet gleam.

My features looked unnaturally smooth, and carried a youthful look to it, even though it was clear I was anything but youthful. The smirk plaster across my face looked more like a sneer. I could feel shock as I noted that there on my left ring finger rested a simple platinum band.

Quickly swallowing around the knot in my throat as I stared back into the mirror.

"Are you ready to show the world who the most powerful sorcerer in the world truly is, my love?" The man asked in an eerie tone.

I felt myself shake my head in agreement, a smile forming on my face, before following closely behind him out of the unfamiliar room.

When I snapped back into my room I could feel myself shaking with fear, and dread as I willed the feeling to leave, looking around I realized that it was the middle of the night, and I could feel Misty as she laid next to me on the bed.

"Misty, go to your own bed." I whispered unevenly.

When she did, I began to shake uncontrollably as the tears formed in my eyes, and fell down my face as I pondered on what I had just seen. Who was that man-thing I had seen? And why was I married to him/it?

There was only one way to find out, and I doubt anyone would like it.

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