Ch. 33

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Seconds passed as I watched the Professor leave the room, tensely. I turned to Tom, raising my eyebrow at him in question.

"What do you suppose that was about?" I wondered, as I watched Tom sit up in the bed, wincing slightly as he did so.

He shrugged, wincing as he did so, looking like regret it immediately.

"Tom, you have to be careful. " I chastised, as I got to my feet, looking around the room.

"Anna, pull out my trunk, will you? It's under the foot of the bed. It's all there, since I haven't been bothered to do any unpacking." Tom muttered, as he threw his legs off the side of the bed.

I nodded in response, quickly following his instructions as he slipped on his shoes and buttoning up his shirt.

I was just about to ask Tom about something else when the professor walked back into the room, closing the door behind himself.

"Professor, what is going on? Are we in danger?" I asked, fear stirring within my stomach.

"No. This is just a precaution, on my part, really. We'll be going back to the school for the rest of the break. I feel you two will be safer there." He informed us.

I nodded, moving towards the door, getting ready to head back to the orphanage with the sisters to gather my things quickly. I had just reached the door when I was yanked back roughly by Tom.

"Where do you think you're bloody going?" Tom asked me, his breathing was becoming ragged, and sweat began to dew on his forehead once more.

"Back to where I live? You know St. Mary's home for girl? I need my things if we are leaving." I muttered.

"No. We have to wait for Professor Dumbledore to come back. We'll both go with you. You can't be alone if we are both in danger, Annie." He firmly said.

"Tom, honestly, I'll only be a minute." I gently replied

Just as I made it towards the door, the door sprang open, slamming into the wall. I only managed to avoid getting hit by the door thanks to Tom pulling me back.

"Anna, Prudence will take your things to the Leaky Cauldron. We have to go. Now." The professor urged.

"...what, a-about Tom's things?" I asked nervously.

I could feel my blood begin to pulse through my veins. In my highly anxious state, I can feel Tom move closer to me protectively.

Neither of us say a word, yet, we both understand and sense that something is wrong.

We watch as the professor swiftly pulled out his wand, waving it in the air towards the luggage. Shrinking it down to the size of a bobble within seconds.

I quickly picked them up, placing them within my bag. I then turned towards Tom, who was now completely dressed.

"Tom, Annamarie, I need you two to listen to me. There is a great possibility that you two are in grave danger. As soon as we walk past the gate, the both of you, have to grab onto me. When we get to said place, I will explain further. " he instructed.

We both nodded in response. I could hear Tom's groan as we walked out of the room, and began to ascend the stairs. Once we walked out of the door of the orphanage. Tom grabbed onto the professor's arm and I quickly grabbed the other, holding onto him tightly.

I closed my eyes tightly, feeling as my insides began to churn, my eyes felt as if they were pressed to the back of my skull and the ground disappeared from beneath my feet.

With a pop, we landed before the Leaky Cauldron establishment. When my feet landed on the ground one more, I felt as if the air had been knocked out of me. I gasped, feeling light headed, doubling over as I put my head between my knees.

"Congratulations, you two have survived your first apparitions..." the professor said, as he pulled us into the building.

It was practically empty. The air stunk of stale mead, wizards and others littered various places among the place, in deep conversation. When the professor walked in with us, many stopped and turned to look at us.

The professor only replied with a few greetings here and there, before leading us toward the fire place, causing me to stiffen.

Tom noticed my stiffness and automatically turned to watch me.

"Relax, we're just going to take Floo powder instead of the train, its a lot faster." He whispered as we stopped before the hearth.

"Have either of you traveled via Floor Powder?" The professor asked us, curiously.

We both turned to look at one another before turning to look at him, shaking our heads eagerly in response.

"Alright then. Here's a brief explanation. You grab a bit of powder in your hand, you have to say your destination clearly, and watch for the correct gate." He says

"Er... the correct, what?" Tom asks confused.

"Gate. There are an awful lot of wizard fires to choose from, you know, hence why you have got to speak clearly. " he says

We both nodded nervously.

"Keep your elbows tucked in." He advised, before looking towards Tom, a gentle smile pulling on his lips.

"You go first." He nods at Tom, who in turn, squares his shoulders before wincing and grabbing a handful of powder.

"Where to Professor?" He asks, stepping into the hearth.

The professor thinks for a moment before speaking, "My office." He says.

"Professor Dumbledore's office at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Tom says, before throwing the powder down.

He was engulfed in emerald flames before he disappears. The professor turns and smiles at me, nodding once in encouragement.

I take a deep breath before grabbing a handful of the grayish powder and stepping into the hearth. I repeat exactly what Tom said, before I'm engulfed in the emerald flames too.

I keep my eyes open. I immediately swallow a mouthful of hot ash. The flames feel warm like a breeze rather than hot burning fire. I feel as if I'm being sucked down a large hole. My elbows are tucked in tightly, and I'm trying not to fidget as I catch glimpses of different places.

Suddenly, I feel my stomach begin to churn again, and I close my eyes wanting it all to stop.

It all stops when I feel my feet sweep from under me as I slam into a into a familiar form.

My nose is pressed on a firm chest, and it smells familiar.

"Annie, are you alright?" He asks me, worried.

I only nod my head once in response, keeping my eyes still closed as I keep my nose buried into his chest.

"Ah, Professor Dumbledore, I see you have arrived with both students." Headmaster Dippet says from somewhere in the room.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Where stories live. Discover now