Ch 21

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We stayed quietly sitting in the common room watching the emerald flames dance around the air as we sat there watching it. 

"I really am going to miss you, Sophie, you do know that , don't you?" He asked me, as his hand wrapped around my own. 

I nodded feeling my sight begin to blur once more, as I gave him a watery smile and laid my head onto his shoulder as our group of friends began to slowly fill in the seats of the common room around us. Antonin Dolohov, a fifth-year student and Prefect here, David's older brother walked in front of the group, a distasteful expression etched on his awful face.

"Riddle, Riel what are you two doing in here all alone?" he asked, the sneer on his face made my skin crawl.

"Talking. What does it look like we're doing, knitting a scarf?" Tom replied shortly. 

I could tell from Tom's stiff posture that he wanted to say something else but resisted the urge. I almost cracked a smile at his short response.

"What would you two need to be talking about? Privately?" He questioned, stepping closer.

"Tony, leave them alone. They're not like you and your 'friend'." David said, exasperation clear in his voice.

"They're your friends, brother?" The Prefect questioned.

"Yes, now go study or something. Leave them alone. Or better yet go snog your nasty, harebrained girlfriend." David said, resisting the urge to scowl at his elder brother.

Antonin rolled his eyes before leaving the common room, going in the direction of the boys' dormitories. I watched as our friends shook their heads in disgust, before turning to us in question.

"Annie, y-you saw something earlier?" Bellatrix asked, the right side of her lips twitching.

"Yes. Err...we-we've got two weeks." I said, my eyes flicking towards the emerald blaze within the hearth.

"Does-does it feel colder in here? Suddenly I felt a draft in here." Narcissa wondered, wrapping her cloak tighter around her.

"No, it's not colder in here. It feels like that because we're all losing our dear friend in two weeks and there's nothing we can do about it." David uttered, sounding put out.

"You are all acting like I am about to die." I said, turning to look at them. "I find that offensive, you know. I'm not going to die, I simply won't be able to remember you. It is up to you all, on whether you'd like to start a new friendship with me or not." I added, feeling as Tom's arm was wrapped around my shoulders.

"I can only assume that they'll wipe all our memories as well." Andromeda said, disappointment clear in her voice.

"No, I-I think only Tom's and mine will be wiped. Try to not think about anything that we've told you if there are too many people around." I advised. "Just in case. Your knowledge can be very valuable to us gaining our memories in the future." I added, looking at all of them.

"On a lighter note. Trips to Hogsmeade will be restarting in two weeks, too." I said, trying to smile.

"Wonderful. I can't tell you how badly I need one of those sugary-sweet caramels, or blood pops from Honeydukes." Andromeda said, cracking a smile.

I realized it was later in the night than originally thought. "I think we should all head off to bed now," I said, looking and feeling all of their disappointment.

"It would be best, seeing as we have an early start tomorrow morning." Tom agreed, squeezing my hand in his once more before turning to head in the direction of the boys' dormitories.

I nodded, as I gave him one last hug, before heading to bed for the night. As Bella, her two sisters and I reached the room, we entered silently, grabbing our sleepwear and changing quickly into them before climbing into bed. I had just climbed into my bed, when I heard Bella's voice beside me.

"Alright, Anna, how long do we really have?" She asked, her dark eyes beginning to shine with unshed tears. 

To stay that I was surprised would be putting it lightly, of the two years that I've known Bellatrix, I've never seen her cry or be close to tears. Not once. Well, until now that that is.

"I just told you, not an hour ago. Do you really need me to repeat the information to you yet again?" I questioned evasively.

"You can quit lying to me. I know you, Annie, you-you hesitated before informing us. How long do we really have?" She asked again, her beady eyes staring me down.

"Fine, I'll- I'll tell you. But what I tell you doesn't leave this room, is that understood?" I said, watching as they nodded in agreement, I sighed, taking in a deep breath to calm myself before I  answered her. "It's less than a week. I-if I avoid going towards the abandoned house within Hogsmeade, two weeks at the most." I said, not looking at any of them.

I heard as all three of the Black sisters began to bawl after my revelation, remorse began gnawing at me as we all settled down on our beds to sleep. The last thing I heard as I fell into a deep sleep was the sniffling of Bellatrix and her sisters.

I woke up the next morning drenched in sweat, I could feel as my heart began pounding rapidly as I sat there trying to calm my racing heart, that seemed to be trying to pop out of my chest. I sat there until the sun began to come up. The dimly lit room was now brightly lit, causing all of us to flinch and dive under our pillow before climbing tiredly out of bed.

"How'd you sleep?" Andromeda asked after we were all dressed.

"I slept well enough." I muttered as I slipped on a pair of boots instead of a pair of the usual leather shoes.

"Isn't it a little too hot to be wearing boots this morning?" She asked, eyeing my boots.

"I have a feeling today is going to be cool." I replied, as I adjusted the boot around my knee.

"Hmm." She said as she turned around and began changing her shoes.

I rolled my eyes as I watched them change their leather shoes into knee high boots. When they finished slipping on their shoes and grabbing the rest of their things. By the time we began making our way towards the Great Hall. I had just sat down in my seat when Tom and everyone else rushed into the Hall hurriedly, quickly occupying the seat around me and the girls.

"Good morning." Tom greeted, smirking at me.

"G'morning." I said, looking down at the table, unwilling to meet his gaze.

'What aren't you telling me?' He asked, after pushing into my mind.

'Noth-' I began before I felt my mind accidentally slip, I began to think of the hidden information from last night without meaning to.

"Good morning students, I would like to announce that there was a miscommunication from the Ministry of Magic, and it appeared that the trips to Hogsmeade will be reinstated. With a few ground rules of course. The trips for third years will be guided by prefects of their houses, and you are only allowed to stay for a four-hour maximum. Enjoy your meals. Time tables will be had out briefly." The headmaster said.

I felt as my entire body stiffened, along with Tom who was sitting next to me. He suddenly reached for my hand, and squeezed it.

'Noo! Noo! Noo! I-I thought we had more time together. Why didn't you tell me? How could you keep something as vital as this?' He asked, his hand squeezing mine again.

'I-I didn't think it'd be this soon. I-I'm sorry.' I replied, my eyes beginning to tear up.

"Does that mean you were wrong? A-about the other thing?" Bellatrix asked, her voice cracking.

I nodded my head once in response. My eyes suddenly glued to the window in front of me. It appeared as though nature itself was announcing the nearing storm that has yet to rear its ugly head.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Where stories live. Discover now