Ch. 11

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Over the next three months, things had begun to change. I realized that I could change my form without drinking a Polyjuice Potion, my eyes began to get a glow too, mainly when I got mad or emotionally overwhelmed. My friendship with Bastian grew closer, though strictly platonic, and we now had one more member to the group, his name was Severus Snape.

I met him one day, on my way to the library, he was being suspended in the air by a group of Gryffindors. When I walked up to them I quickly flicked my wrist, seeing as it was a fairly new ability I gained, thinking of a spell that stunned the four Gryffindors. It ended up with Snape almost falling to his death, without thinking I flicked my wrist again, stopping him from hitting the ground just an inch away. Much to his and my utter astonishment.

Wandless magic was difficult to learn and master, especially at our age, or so I am told. What I now feared was the fact that my second year's end approached rather quickly; it was just two days away.

End of the year exams were currently being taken, with the results sent by owl to our houses.

Even though things with Tom are still tense, after the whole passing out episode , the situation seemed to dissipate to awkward stares and ignoring each other all together. He no longer tried to talk to me, physically or mentally.

To be honest, I wasn't sure which hurt more his indifference or his silence. Since meeting him, we have never been this intolerant of one another, I'm starting to think we'll never be friends again.

"What's wrong, Annie? Has Riddle done something to you again?" Rabastian asked, as we walked towards double potions with Professor Slughorn.

I laughed, shaking my head at him, as he put his arm around my shoulders. It was more out of habit than anything else. People thought that Bastian and I were more than friends but the truth was, we each had someone we held close to heart, and the only thing we could feel for one another was brotherly love and friendship.

"No. I actually received a letter from my Aunt Merope, his mother. Last night, just as I was heading to bed, my owl Chloe began pecking my window. It's a wonderful thing that we'll be off on summer break in just one more day." I said, giggling at his scoff as we passed Tom and Jennica.

I noticed that they had been hanging out a lot. I actually began missing our talks, even though half the time it was him teasing me about something or other. I wondered if I should open the mental link we had, but soon realized that he probably wanted to be left alone. Not realizing I let out a sigh as I sat down in my seat between Bellatrix and Narcissa.

"Are we still on for this summer? You don't seem too happy right now." She noted, clacking her nails on the wooden desk before us in a bored manner.

"I'm just tired, is all. Studying so much has fried my poor mind." I complained, letting my head plop down loudly onto the desk.

"Oof. That looked like it hurt. Are you alright, Anna?" Sirius Black asked turning from the row before mine to look back at me.

"I am fine, Black, just leave me alone." I muttered, with my face still smashed on the desk.

"Sorry to have asked." He said, smirking in amusement at me.

"I don't need any of your petty concerns, Black. So, turn around, leave me alone, and get back to whatever it is you do here." I replied, annoyed at his arrogant smirk.

"Dear cousin, I see you're still trying to get girls who are above your status to look your way. It's such a pity for a Black to sink so low..." Bellatrix cooed, batting her eyes at him mockingly.

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