Ch. 25

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Over the course of the next few months, the friendship between Tom and I seemed to dwindle even more.

I noticed a small pixie looking girl, that looked very much like Alice, only snottier and meaner than her begin to hang around Tom. I later learned that her name is Jane Sivorski, and that she was a muggleborn. How she got into Slytherin was beyond me. She didn't seem to be the type to be in Slytherin, though her attitude said, 'I'm better than you' she was more average than me, half the time she got things wrong, her magic was lousy. If she'd spend half the time studying rather than looking at herself in the mirror, she'd probably be a better student here. I suppose she may be cunning, but I still had my doubts.

I was supposed to meet Tom at the library for a study session, but when I realized he wasn't going to arrive, I quickly began gathering all of my book into the bag that Tom had given me as tears pooled in my eyes.

"He's done it again." Someone said, from the corner of the table.

I looked up surprised to see Dave Dolohov, and his elder brother Tony, standing there with sad, disappointed expressions.

"Done what?" I asked confused.

"He never showed up, did he?" Dave asked, concern clear in his face.

I shook my head in response, a scowl forming on my face as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Your friend Newt, is over there. Why don't you go study with him? He helped me rearrange the herbology paper,  I was writing earlier." Dave suggested.

I looked over at Newt, who sat entranced in a book he had on his lap. I felt myself suddenly become angry with Tom for breaking his promise, yet again. I shook my head at both of the worried brothers and turned to hastily make my way out of the library.

My breath was beginning to get labored from the anger and frustration that coursed through my body, but I felt another wave of anger hit me when I saw what was displayed before me, just outside the doors of the library.

Standing there with her arms wrapped around Tom's neck as she stood closely to him was Jane. I felt a wave of heat go through my body and before I could stop it, I felt something hot leave my fingertips and hit just above where the 'happy couple' stood. I watched stunned as a burned patch appeared on the stone above where the two stood, causing them to spring apart in surprise.

"Did you see that?" Dave whispered to his brother as they stood next to me.

"I-I—I'm sorry. I—I have to go." I whispered, apologetically to them.

I rushed past everyone who had just witnessed what I had done, and ran in the direction of the Gryffindor tower, feeling a pain begin radiating in my chest as I did so. I could feel someone rushing to follow me, but I didn't bother turning to see who it was.

I ran up the stairs, and down the hall stopping before the portrait of the fat lady. I saw her eyes widen as she took in my expression, before she looked behind me.

"Password?" She asked concerned.

"Quid Agis." I whispered, feeling as my eyes began to burn.

She nodded, quickly swinging back the portrait and letting me pass before slamming the porthole shut once more behind me.

I walked deeper into the common room, and took a chair that was in the corner of the room, feeling myself become numb as I stared blankly out the window into the horizon. The only sound in the room was that of the crackling fire in the hearth, leaving me to myself to think, that however lasted shortly, because the next sound I heard were those of four boys walking into the common room, laughing among themselves.

"Hello." One of them called as they all made their way towards me.

"Hello." I replied shortly, pulling out a book and setting it on my lap.

"What's wrong?" The boy with blue eyes and glasses asked, concerned.

"I—I..."I began before feeling my eyes get clouded once more, "It's just that, I feel so lost. I mean, I can't remember anything from years ago, not even who my parents were or where I live." I muttered, frowning at the hearth.

"It'll come back, its part of the side effect from getting conked on the head." The boy with blue eyes, soothed.

I noticed the other three boys stood a few feet away, waiting patiently.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember who you are... I'm Anna. Annamarie Riel by the way." I said, smiling as the three boys walked closer.

"James Potter, that tall bloke on the right is Remus Lupin, the mousy one is Peter Pettigrew, and this bloke here is my best bud, Sirius Black." He said, pointing to all of them as he introduced them.

I nodded my head committing their names to memory. Feeling as the anger I had felt earlier slowly burnt out.

"Oh, I almost forgot, see that girl over there?" James asked, giving his friends a sneaky smirk. "That one? The one sitting closest to the fire?" He asked.

I nodded confused, watching to see what he was going to do. I realized she was sitting with Alice, Lily and Molly chatting about something.

"That's my sister, Torin Potter, she's my twin. Watch this. I guarantee it'll make you feel better. I promise." He directed as he slipped something out of his cloak pocket. He mumbled a spell under his breath and threw it.

I felt my eyes widen as I watched what looked like a soaked paper ball spin in the air countless of time before heading in the direction of the girls.

"Stop!" I gasped, shocked.

Everyone in the room watched as the ball stopped mind air before it began to spin again and headed right towards Peter and Sirius. It exploded spraying them and everyone else of close vicinity in a foul-smelling spray of purple.

"How'd in bloody Merlin did you do that?" James gasped, shocked as he spewed out some of the purple fluid.

"I-I don't know. I'm really sorry, please excuse me." I gasped, as I gathered my things and ran up the stairs heading to the girls' dormitories.

"Heh heh. I like her." Sirius commented, amused just before I ran up the stairs.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Where stories live. Discover now