Ch. 35

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I could feel the blood pool on my face as I realized what I had just done. Then I felt as the heat in my face slowly depleted, leaving behind a deep sensation of awkward embarrassment.

Standing right next to the cot I was laid upon was none other than, Tom. I noticed by the faintly glowing pink spot in his cheek, that I had indeed just slapped him across the face, unexpectedly too. More embarrassment forms in the pit of my stomach, as I stare at the faintly glowing pink spot on his cheek.

His expression telling me what he was feeling even though he tried hard to conceal it. A mix between astonishment, and amusement.

I want to apologize for striking him, but unable to. When I about to form any sort of apology, I begin to feel a dull ache. It quickly turns into a sharp pain, pulsing violently as suddenly as it appeared on the side of my head.

I could feel my body begin to react to the pain as I stared unblinkingly at him.

My hands began to suddenly shake uncontrollably as I stared up at Tom.

Panic began to settle in as I realized that I was now feeling the same stirring within my stomach I had felt earlier, just before blacking out.

The sudden wave of heat that had hit my head was now focused on my nose, only solidified the panic I had begun to feel.

My hand automatically lifted up to touch my nose, feeling the wet stickiness substance rub onto my fingers as I felt myself fall back onto the bed, and be pulled back, deep into unconsciousness.

When I am able to open my eyes once more, I note that I am alone.

I try to swallow the uncomfortable feeling I have, aches on my body, and joints as I move to sit up. My mouth and throat feel dry and scratchy as I attempt to swallow. Quicky remedying that by picking up the glass of water and swallowing greedily down in three short gulps.

"Ah, so, you're finally awake."

I heard a familiar masculine voice asks from the doorway, causing me to jump up in surprise as I sat there on the cot.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me.

I only shrug in response, too embarrassed to verbally respond.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I nod, wordlessly once more. I am almost certain he is about to ask me again when the door suddenly springs open once more.
In comes of our two professors and the headmaster slowly making their way towards us.

"Tom, Anna. How are you feeling?" The professor asks us, a slight smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

I shrug, in response listening as Tom quietly answers, "Fine, now, I think."

"When will the school resume with classes?" he asks, quietly.

"From my discussion with the Ministry of Magic earlier, I was told classes shall commence as soon as the Holidays are over." Headmaster Dippet says, giving us a gentle smile.

"Does that mean we will be going back to the orphanages then?" I ask, unable to hide my sadness.

"No, as of right two shall be staying here, possibly until the rest of the school year is finished, once we know for sure, that the danger has indeed settled." Professor Dumbledore says.

"Does this mean that we are still in danger then?" Tom inquires, looking towards me.

"I'm afraid so, Tom." The professor responds, sadly.

The room turning tense as he response those words.

It felt as though, the warmth had suddenly been sucked out of the room, leaving a cold, tense feeling behind.

I can feel as Tom's hand pulls mine into his, and we all stared silently at one another, wondering what someone could possible want with us.

More important, why we are in danger in the first place...

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant