Ch. 27

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I had already met Narcissa Black, her  older sister Andromeda, they had a third sister- which I had yet to meet. I also met Lucius Malfoy, and a few other Slytherin. I had even come to become friends with them, that was until the whole debacle with Tom.

Later that evening, after a long crying jag and a shower to wash away the evidence. I walked back down into the common room and out the porthole in search of my things. I had only just gotten to the bottom of the stairs that lead to the tower, when I heard someone calling my name. Upon turning I discovered a lanky girl with wild black curly hair rushing towards me, quickly realizing  it to be Bellatrix Black, Narcissa's sister, rushing towards me with my books and bag in her arms. Her wildly curly black hair was bouncing everywhere as she walked briskly towards me, her dark eyes worried as she finally stopped before me.

"You are Annamarie, correct?" She asked, her voice soft yet rash as she spoke.

I nodded in response, confused as to why she had my things when she was nowhere in sight when everything happened earlier.

"Can I call you Annie? Or Marie?" She asked, as she handed me my things.

"Whatever you like, I don't mind. Honest, its better than the mouthful I have as a name." I said, as I reached up to put a section of my hair in the back of my ear.

"Wonderful, you can call me Bellatrix, Bella or Trixie. It's your choice, not to worry you're not the only one that has a mouthful of a name dearie." She said, leaning in as if to tell a secret before straightening up and skipping off without another word.

I realized I no longer had to go anywhere else, so I made my way back up to the Gryffindor Tower. Upon walking in through the porthole, I found Grisha looking down at a few pieces of parchment, a frown embedded between her brows.

We had a brief discussion before I went off to be feeling more confused than before. My brain began to feel a throbbing sensation seep into it as I began to feel a wave of vertigo hit me, black spots appearing before me before I felt the floor crash into me.

I woke up the next morning feeling different, and people told me so when they pointed out the crimson red, and golden streaks I now had in my hair. Lily said she had found me unconscious on the floor but decided to let me be and help me to bed instead of taking me to the hospital wing.

I was on my way to breakfast when I got the suddenly feeling of being followed, turning to glance at the person who was doing so. My gaze landed upon Tom , Luscious and Narcissa, who were walking closely behind me.

"Annie!" She called after me, pleading.

I shook my head still feeling the sting of the words Tom had accused me of being. He knew he was hitting below the belt, he knew it, yet he still did it. I knew he wanted to talk, and judging by the pleading-slash-guilty expression on his face, I knew he'd eventually try to corner me but I would prove it to be difficult, especially with my newly developing ability.

"Annie!" She called again.

I shook off the feeling I got when I looked into Tom's eyes and scowled at them before heading into the Great Hall to eat breakfast. I rushed towards where Lily, Alice and Molly, and now Grisha sat and plopped down unceremoniously, quickly grabbing some food and scarfing it down without a second thought.

"That's a lady." Sirius said smiling at me.

"Pith off." I muttered, chomping on a piece of toast and fried egg.

Sirius Black continued to persuade me, that it until one afternoon when James, Remus, Peter along with Black had crowded around a skinny, nervous looking boy with oily black hair.

"What's going on here?" I asked, interrupting them as they took turns levitating him.

"Anna. Oh-uh. We were just having a little fun with Snivellus, here right guys?" James asked around arrogantly.

"First of all, his name is Severus not Snivellus, and two, what you're doing is called bullying. Its wrong." I said, watching as Sirius lowered him to the ground before Severus quickly got to his feet and walked towards me.

Lily who had just walked into the courtyard, saw Severus's messy image and narrowed her eyes at the four Gryffindor boys.

"Lily, wonderful morning we're having..." James began giving her a slight smile.

"Ugh." She replied rolling her blue eyes at him.

"Sev, are you alright?" She asked, worried.

"Yes, am fine. I didn't need your help." He commented giving me a grimace.

"Sure, you didn't, the fact that you were suspended five feet off the ground told me you were handling it well." I said, deadpanned.

"Sev, be nice. You know what a toerag James and his buddies can be." Lily chanted.

"Ugh. Fine." He rolled his eyes at her. "Thank you." He said, before briefly walking away.

I smirked as I started at the boys, watching as their pants suddenly dropped to their ankles unexpectedly.

"You know, that's not very nice, Annie." James said chastisingly.

"Neither are your underpants." I replied deadpanned as I walked towards the hall way.

Sirius caught up with me a moment later, slowly pulling me to the side in the middle of the hall, the hall which happened to lead towards the library.

"Annie. Annie. Annie, please wait." He begged, letting my arm go as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What could you possibly want now, Black?" I asked, exasperated as I tapped my foot and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I-I just want to apologize for our unsensitivity the other day." He said.

"Right... alright. I accept your apology. Can I go now?" I asked, continuing the tapping of my foot.

"Look I-" He began before he was interrupted by Dave.

"Anna! Do you think you can help me with my Astrology paper?" He asked, as he rushed toward us.

"Of course, Dave. I'll help you now, come on, we've got three hours before dinner time. It should be enough to get some if not all of it done." I said, as I pulled my arm through the cork of his arm.

We had just gotten passed the doors of the library when Dave suddenly unwound his arm from mine and began pulling me towards the history section of the library.

"Look, I need to tell you something. Something that no one wants you to know." He whispered, rushed.

"Dolohov." Tom said, appearing out of thin air, his voice guarded.

I sighed, "This was your idea—to get me to listen and talk to Tom." I said, turning to look at Dave.

"No, it's a coincidence. Look Tom's only here because I asked him to come. We heard Potter, and his friends talking—" He began before Tom interrupted.

"Anna, we heard them talking about a wager. If you don't believe us. Then you should see for yourself." Tom said, looking at me unblinkingly.

I shook me head at him. "Why should I believe you? After all, why would a Slytherin half-blood like yourself be helping a poor, worthless mudblood like me?" I asked, shaking my head at him, pushing past both of them and making my way out of the library.

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