Ch. 31 Discoveries

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It was just after mid morning when I sat down for a quick meal, or rather pretended to eat while moving the food around in the porcelain plate that was set before me on the kitchen table by Sister Julienne and Prudence.

"I know you're not eating. Miss. Annie, you need to eat. How will you have energy to do anything? It can't be health to lay in bed all day. Unless you're sick... so go on. Food gives you strength. Eat." Sister Prudence encouraged, attempting to give me smile.

"I'm not very hungry at the moment. May I be excused? I think I'm starting to get a headache." I said, keeping my eyes on my plate, before I pushed it away.

"No, you have to eat a few bites at least. Come on, Annie. There's only a piece or two of toast, some scrambled eggs and roasted tomatoes. Try to at least havd a few bites." She replied, pushing it towards me once more.

I sighed, rolling my eyes inwardly, as I began trying to keep the food in my stomach. It was that moment that my mind decided to drift back to the prior afternoon. Images that flashed before my eyes caused my stomach to stir, in a non-sickly way, making my entire body begin to feel a wave of heat.

It took me fifteen minutes to finish the rations of food that were placed before me. Five minutes past before Sister Prudence turned to look at me from the stove. With a final nod she excused me allowing me to go out for a walk.

I had just slipped on my jacket when Sister Julienne ran into my room. I turned wide-eyed, to look at her as she breathed heavily. It was five minutes before she got her breathing down to normal, with how hard she was breathing, you'd think she just ran a marathon. Her entire face was red, and sweaty.

"Annie, I'm glad I caught you before you left to go on your walk." She said,after she straightened up to look at me.

I nodded, waiting for her to continue as I slipped on a black a gray scarf around my neck, and my knitted hat atop my head.

"I need you to head to the market again today." She said, pulling out a lengthy list from her apron.

"Why? Didn't I get everything needed yesterday?" I asked unable to hide my surprise.

"Well, yes. But I used more than half of the veggies you brought. Besides I need fresh fruit and vegetables for tonight's meal. And a bit more of meat. Please Annie?" She begged.

I inwardly rolled my eyes as I sighed in exasperation.
' Just a few more years and I'll be out of here.' I thought, as I slipped on my peacoat, scarf, gloves and hat. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I realized the sister still stood behind me, her hand extended towards me with a small coin purse.

I pulled my bag over my chest and toss the small bag into it. She smiled before quickly walking out of the room.

I couldn't help the small smile that pulled on my lips as I walked out of the orphanage. The chilled wind swept through my hair as I slowly made my way down the road towards the farmer's market and the other stores.

I picked up my pace as I realized the time of day. The chilly breeze biting into my exposed skin as I walked. My mind quickly wandered back to the day before as I passed the same alley.

Briefly feeling a pang of sadness as I remembered a simpler time. I had just gotten to the end of the street when I felt a familiar presence approach.

I slowed my pace, staring blankly at the road before me. I soon began to hear a pair of soles hit the ground, even though I knew who it was, I could still feel myself as my entire being tensed.

The wind stopped for a moment, as I felt the presence or person behind me stop. I could feel the body heat radiating off of him but that's not the reason I recognized him. The scent of pine or cedar along with spare mint and a manly musk assaulted my sense of smell. It was so overwhelming that I almost felt intoxicated by the strong aroma of it.

I heard him exhale before he finally spoke, "Anna."

His voice was guarded. Unsure of what to answer I stood there, turning my head slight to look at him through my peripheral vision. Time seemed to slow as I finally did turn.

I sighed, before finally looking up at him. Raising an eyebrow in response, waiting for him to continue speaking. Unfortunately, before he or I could utter a word, I began to feel my stomach churn, my chest began to feel an unpleasant tightening as the air whooshed out of my lungs. Small perspiration began to settle atop my brow, and an uncomfortable ringing in my ears.

I could feel as my eyes glazed over as the sight before me was swallowed by complete darkness. The last thing I heard was a distorted version of my name before I was pulled under.


A swarm of images rushed before me, hitting me with an unknown force. I could feel myself stagger as I realized what they meant. The air was forced out of me once more.

Tom and Dave had been right. Sirius is just pretending to be interested in, he's actually interested in Siomara Maclaven. I could feel the sting, and betrayal forming as the scene before me morphed once again watching as the scenery changed, giving me an exact time of the occurrence.


When I blinked again, Tom was standing before me, looking tense as he held me up. I realized now that we were standing in the alley from the day before.

"Tom? What's going on? Why are we standing here?" I asked, looking over at the end 9f the alley way.

"Are you alright?" He asked, ignoring my question.

"I- yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked confused.

"Well, maybe it's the fact you spaced out on me while I was apologizing for yesterday. Or that you went a ghostly pale right after." He listed.

I huffed at him rolling my eyes at him. Muttering to myself, the stinging betrayal and hurt now pulsating in my chest.

*huff* " you were right." I muttered, huffing in annoyance at myself.

"I usually am..but about what in particular?" He quipped, raising an eyebrow at me.

"What you said about Sirius. Both Dave and you were right. Don't ask how I know, I just- just do." I muttered an explanation.

Shaking my head once more in disbelief, I looked up to meet his skeptical gaze. "I-I have to go now. If I don't get to the Farmer's Market before sundown the sisters at the orphanage will go mental."

I pushed past him, walking briskly down the road, trying to put as much distance between Tom and I in fear I would do something stupid. Whether it was to him or myself remains to be seen.

When I finally arrived at the Farmer's market, I went straight to the produce, quickly grabbing a medium basket and filling it with all the things I needed. Paying and moving on.

Next, was the poultry section. I busied myself gather the three types of meat I needed, paid, and went towards back in the direction I had come in, stopping at the bakery for a fresh basket of rolls, and four fresh baguettes.

Then a brief stop at the dairy. Grabbing only a four quart of milk, a small basket of various cheeses and a small jar of yogurt.

It took longer than I thought to finish getting everything thing on the list. I felt relief when I finally reached the gate of the orphanage. However, nothing would prepare me for what was waiting for me when for the heartbreaking sight that met me when I walked past the door.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant