Ch. 41

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Tom and I walked until we reached the Entrance Courtyard.

Students were lounging in various parts of it as  we walked passed them and headed in the direction of the library.

I sighed shaking my head before waking ahead of him. Knowing he was already headed to the back corner of the library, where the tables were usually empty on day like these.

As we finally reached the table, I swiftly pulled out a chair and quickly sat down, before waiting to hear what he wished to say.

"Well?" I asked, leaning back against the chair and looking over at him expectantly.

"You remember how during Christmas break, Dumbledore brought us back here to keep us safe?" He asked.

I frowned nodding uncomfortably at him, before looking away.

"Well, I decided to do some investigating of my own, with the help of Lucius and Dave..." He informed me in a low voice.

"I'm not following. What is that supposed to mean? I thought the professors said that everything is alright." I replied, blinking rapidly.

"Whomever is after us is gathering followers at an alarming speed. That means our lives are going to be endangered again... Unless we do the same..." He explained.

I froze, tilting my head to the side in disbelief. Surely— surely he doesn't mean that we begin to study the dark arts. Does he?

"That's exactly what I mean. It's the only way I can see us making it out alive..." He explains.

I shook my head, getting to my feet.

"No. That is too dangerous. Surely there must be another way!" I told him, as I attempted to keep my voice down.

His eyes hardened as heard my response.

I could see this wasn't the response he had hope to receive.

"Anna, we've done everything possible to keep the danger away." He replied calmly.

"There— there has to be something else. Something we're missing." I replied adamantly.

"Honestly, are you not listening to what I am telling you? We have been trying everything. We've done nothing but their follow rules, and orders. We've studied hard... The danger is increasing as we speak. That is why I chose to do this... And to keep you out of it. To keep you safe." He replied, edgily.

I closed my eyes, as I brought my hands onto the table, before clasping them under my chin as I thought over what he was telling me.

"Please, trust me. I wouldn't lie to you." He implored.

He was right, I realized, the only times he lied to me was to protect me.

If what he was telling me was in fact true, then what else could I do?

Risk being wrong and hope to survive? No... That only left me one other option.

"What do I need to do?" I finally asked, looking up to meet his eyes.

His eyes gleamed with eagerness momentarily mezmorizing me. He cleared his throat to gain my attention once more.

"Meet me by the Black Lake, an hour after lights out. Don't be late. Be careful when you sneak out." He instructed.

I nodded, swallowing thickly before I watched him rise from his seat and leave without another word.

The rest of the day I spent it in my room, studying for the final exams that were to occur the upcoming week.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant