Ch.9 Changes

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As promised, after finishing my food I gathered my things, and silently made my way towards the library to proceed writing the letter to Merope. Steadily, hastily, and neatly writing the letter stating what I had seen earlier, and asking for an explanation of what I had seen, could possibly be. Once the letter was sealed, I put the small cork into the ink bottle, shoving everything else into my bag just as hastily. 

A few moments later I ran into a tense looking Leilah in the library. When she saw me, she briskly walked over to my side, and pulled me into one of the far corners of the library. 

'What's going on?' She thought, her brown eyes filled with worry.

'I-I'm not sure. Your brother and I are trying to figure out what I saw earlier. My guess is that your lineage means something. Do you happen to know anything of Salazar Slytherin or anything he might've left in the castle behind for his heir?' I thought, as I pulled out another book.

Hogwarts: A History, I quickly scanned the pages that referred to one of the ancient founders, only to be disappointed when I found nothing about it in the book, only that the Chamber of Secrets was a rumor, never proven to be true.

"Looks like we're going to have to talk to my mother." She commented, tersely.

"I agree." I said, as a boy with copper hair approached us.

"Leilah--" He said, his eyes widening when they landed on me.

"Seamus, he--" She greeted happily. 

I raised a brow at her, and turned back to the older boy. Watching the scene play out in his mind.

"Oh, this is-this is Seamus MacLaggen. He's-he's a fr-friend of mine." She stuttered, her cheeks turning red.

"I'm Annamarie Riel. Leilah is one of my best friends, her-her brother is too. Are-are you in Ravenclaw too?" I asked, staring at his familiar face.

He nodded his head in response, his eyes scanning me, making me feel uncomfortable. I suddenly began to feel a familiar warmth on my back side, and a sense of security.

"Who is that?" I heard from behind me, feeling my lips twitch as I heard the familiar voice.

"Oh, uhh..hmm. That-that's Leilah's new friend, Seamus. Seamus MacLaggen." I said, feeling as Tom stepped next to me.

"You're a Ravenclaw." Tom said, unblinkingly.

"Er, y-yeah. That's h-how I met your sister." He stuttered, his eyes flicking to me again.

The look on Tom's face told me that he was either seeing something he didn't like or he invaded the boy's mind and didn't like something he'd seen hidden.

"He's your uncle." Tom said, turning to look at me inquisitively.

"What-what? My mother never told me I had any other relatives, otherwise she'd left me with them." I sputtered, confused.

"He's remembering the last time he saw your mother. She was way younger than when I met her. Slightly a bit older than what you are right now... He's either related to her or, he's known her for a while." Tom said, keeping his eyes on him.

I turned to look at the boy, his eyes had a familiar blue gray eyes I'd seen in my mother. I stepped back suddenly feeling as if my head was pounding again. I shook my head dazed, before feeling my stomach begin to roll.

"It's true isn't it…Tell me it isn't true...Don't just stand there staring, answer me!" I demanded, my hands beginning to shake. 

'Oh no! ' Tom thought, automatically wrapping his hand around my waist.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ