Ch. 38

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The words we spoke seemed to have fallen to deaf ears the moments classes recommenced.

Tom's and I's friendship was pushed to an afterthought as we both focused on our studies.

As time passed and we grew accustomed to our time tables once more, our acquaintance-ship   became less hostile, and more friendly.

We would end up studying in the library together, or walking to class along with our friends.

The atmosphere finally seemed peaceful within our year.

That, however, changed when I began hanging out with James Potter, his friends, and a few other Gryffindors once more.

Then tensions began to grow within my group of friends.

Soon I noticed that Tom would find excuse after excuse not to meet with me, even going as far as to claim how tired he was. I didn't bother with concerning myself about his lack of interest on his part. I figured if he wished to speak he would find me.

It was shortly after the spring arrived.

I figured the day looked nice enough, I left right after classes finished, and went on a walk.
Not bothering to watch where I was going, I simply began to walk.

After a while of walking I noticed how cold it had gotten, and realized I was going to have to turn back soon, until I noticed where I had ended up.

I was standing in front of the Great Lake. Just how far had I walk?

Frowning in confusion, I made to turn back only to gasp as I realized I no longer alone.

Standing before me, was a group of dark figures. I knew from the heights each person within the group has to be a student within the school.

Realizing that they had yet to discover my presence, I quickly hid behind one of the thick tree trucks, and bit down on my lip to keep from making any type of noise.

I realized I had gotten lost in thought, and missed the conversation that had begun without my notice.

"—things have begun to take a dangerous turn." One of the voices said.

I frowned at the familiarity of it.
I knew that voice but from where?

"What are we supposed now?"

It sounded like my— no, it couldn't be them. Could it?

I strained my ears, listening harder, to see if I could decipher who was in the group.

"I'm not sure...Dumbledore has been keeping an extra careful eye on us. It's best we leave her out of this for now." A voice replied.

Her? Just who were they talking about? What were they even doing out here?

"Riddle, are you sure that is the best idea? We could use someone like her in the group." Another voice interjected.

As soon as I heard the name I stiffened.

Tom was here? What in the world was he doing here?

"Avery, I've already told you, I don't want her involved in this. At least not yet. Something has to happen before she can finally join us." Tom's voice replied, coldly.

"This is ridiculous! We are wasting time!" Avery growled, exasperated

A pained gasp suddenly ripped through the air followed by a dull thud on the ground.

"I. Will. Not. Repeat. Myself. Again. Leave her out of this." Tom growled.

"Riddle, honestly, aren't you taking this a bit far? Think about it. She has shown tremendous skill in a lot of our classes. We could use her for our benefit. That, however, is just a suggestion to take into account. If you truly wish to leave her out of this, and keep Dumbledore off our backs then we need to be more careful about where we gather." I heard one of the Lestrange brothers say.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ