Ch. 32

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How does one react when everything one seems to know suddenly gets ripped away and replaced? My life seemed to be falling in shambles and I couldn't quite get a grip on reality. I could feel my frustration, anger and other emotions begin building up.

Since I had returned from school back to living my insignificant life in the orphanage, the girls were now acting extremely weird. Only handful of girls actually dared speak to me. Aside from Rosemary, only two other girls had spoken to me before I left to go back to Hogwarts. Now it seemed I was back to being a pariah within the orphanage.

Sister Prudence was waiting for me by the front door to help me with the bag of groceries I had brought. She took half of it before leading me into the kitchen.

She set everything down on the breakfast nook before turning towards me. Her shoulders tensed, as she looked into the bag and began pulling everything out.

No one uttered a word for a some time. When she finally did, her entire face changing into a saddened expression.

"Annie, deary, Mother Superior recieved a phone call just after you left to the Farmer's Market." She began.

I nodded, tense as I felt the weird stirring in my abdomen that I had felt earlier. A brief image informing me what was to come.

"It appears, a young man, Tom or Thomas, I believe was the boy's name." She muttered to herself, confused.

I tensed as I heard the familiar name, breathing deeply and nodding in acknowledgement before I looked at her, patiently waiting for her to finish.

"It seems the woman in charge of Wool's Orphanage, says he's had an accident. He locked himself inside the room and won't let anyone inside. A professor from your school called here and asked for your assistance in the situation." She explained, as she grabbed the wooden chopping block, and a sharpened butcher's knife, quickly chopping into the freshly washed veggies I had brought.

I nodded, setting down the rest of the bags onto the counter near the pantry and washing my hands before I left the room.

I knew the drill. Sister Julienne and Mother Superior never allowed any of us to go out dressed in a dress. I changed into my mint green and white striped, pencil skirt, and a black wrap around sweater. Pulling my curled tresses into a bun at the nap of my neck.

I quickly slipped my black ballet slippers onto my tired feet and pulled my thick coat on. Both Sister Prudence and Sister Julienne were waiting for me by the door as I made my way down the stairs. When I reached the landing, they quickly handed me a large wicker basket.

"What's this?" I asked them.

"Just a few things you may need. Professor Dumbledore, the man from your boarding school, he mentioned what you could bring if need be." She muttered.

I nodded, feeling my fingers twitch , a weird energy beginning to pulse through my veins as I lifted the basket. I ignored it as I walked out of the door. Feeling it increase as soon as I was out the door.


I made it to Wool's Orphanage in a nick of time. Professor Dumbledore awaiting by the door, he posture tense as I approached.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir." I muttered in greeting.

He gave me a kind smile, immediately wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Slowly leading me into the old, highly neglected, though clean building. The woman in charge of the Orphanage, Mrs. Cole, I was later told was her name, quickly stepped aside as we went in to the dingy building.

The silence stretched on as Dumbledore lead me through the building, up a few stories, on a door to the left. He looked down at me before knocking at the last door on the fourth floor.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Where stories live. Discover now