Ch. 26

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I managed to submerge myself in my studies and avoid everyone and anyone. That was until a week before our year-end exams, I was walking out of the library after doing my homework and having a study session with Grisha MacLaggen, when I was suddenly yanked to the side, causing me to drop all of my things onto the stone floor.

In the time had I spent avoiding the a few people from my house of Gryffindor in the library. Upon further discussion it was relieved to me that they were heirs to the Founders of Hogwarts. Grisha being the heir of Gryffindor; a boy with hazel eyes, dark, cropped hair, so tall he almost had to duck in order to walk through the doorways- I later found his name to be Zachariah Smit- is the heir to Hufflepuff. The last but not least Genevieve Zambwit, the heir of Ravenclaw. Much like Rowena she was tall, yet slender, her beauty was enhanced, yet she wore no makeup to enhance it, her waist length ebony locks had a slight shine to it. Her dark and beady eyes never missing a thing.

After losing my things to the stone floor, I was quickly dragged into an empty classroom. I blinked several times before a few torches around the room lit up, when I finally got my slight back, I came face to face with Tom Marvolo Riddle, the boy I thought to be my friend.

"Tom?" I gasped out, shocked at his angry expression, a fierce scowl etched on his handsome face.

"Annamarie, what in bloody Merlin's beard were you doing out with that girl?" He spat out at me. His voice harsher than I've ever heard it before.

I flinched back in response, feeling as if I had been slapped across the face. "Who? Grisha? You mean Grisha?" I stuttered, only receiving a nod a response from him.

"Oh, we were paired up this morning in Transfiguration with Professor Dumbledore. We were to change our pets into either a water glass or a pocket watch. Since I didn't get one last year and wasn't planning to get one until next year, Grisha was nice enough to let me practice with one of hers. We were studying spells and trying to memorize them, so we didn't make any mistakes tomorrow in class." I explained.

He looked distressed for a second, he's green eyes seems to take a yellow green glow to it. I gasped in fear as I felt myself leave the present, only to realize that I was pulled into what our professor in Divinations class called a vision.


Tom slowly making his way towards the restricted section of the library. He slowly made his way towards the history and spell section.

He pulled out a book, the book itself made a cold shiver run up and down my spine.

The three unforgiveable curses:

Killing Curse:

Incantation: Avada Kedavra.

No survivors known as of yet. It is one of the most powerful and sinister spells known in the wizarding community and to all its kind. The effects are instantaneous and painless death.

The Killing Curse is an 'unblockable' curse, thus shield charms won't defend against it. It was invented during what is known the early Middle Ages by Dark witches or wizards. The curse created primarily as a means of quickly and efficiently slaying one's opponent in a duel. It can be assumed that this was a popular and frequently used curse in dueling.

Described as a jet or flash of blinding green light that 'illuminates every corner of the room' followed by a rushing sound, which causes the victim instant death. Victims of the Killing Curse are identified by the fact that they simply appear to have dropped dead for no biological reason.

The curse requires great skill in order to be performed correctly. You need nerve and ability.

There is no counter-curse since it is not possible to revive the dead. However, there are some exceptions to it:

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें